New survey will help gauge adult Lego interest

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Lego has launched a new survey to get inside the head of the adult Lego community. Geared toward both the casual user and die-hard AFOL (Adult Fan of Lego), the CEE (Community Engagement & Events) department wants to know more about Lego builders 18 and up. This is your chance to tell them and potentially win some cool prizes.

I've been a fan of Lego most of my life. From my very first set, Galaxy Explorer to the Tumbler that I picked up last month, I have been building for as long as I can remember. I don't think I'm alone in that I went through a dark age in the late 90's and early 2000's. Not only were the product offerings from Lego sort of shit, I had a priority and a financial shift.


My focus was sometimes on my studies, but mostly on trying to woo women into having sex with me. My parents were no longer buying me "kids toys" for Christmas and birthdays. My paycheck from my burger flipping gig went to crystal Pepsi and vodka concoctions, drugs and my obsession with automobiles, thus, overnight parts from Japan.


Even in the dark times, I did occasionally build and I still valued much of my collection of Lego, though I did regretfully sell some of my classic space stuff to some weird guy that I met at a Something Awful or 2600 meetup.


This survey wants to know about that. How long have you been building? If you stopped, why? If you started back up, what motivated you? Take a few minutes, click some radio buttons, check some boxes and write in your story. This is a rare chance to let Lego know that we exist in large numbers, that we actually spend a bunch of disposable income on plastic bricks and that we deserve to be catered to. You might even win something for your time.


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