because of some copyright issues, i deleted the Video... Heres a Picture of my MOC Crane. It´s full RC with 8 Motors, 1 Servo, Lights and remote pneumatic. Powered by two SBricks.
Johan vd Pluijm
Great, it appears to be 1.2 meters? How does the crane (not the truck) turn when fully extended?
June 29, 2016
Michael L
what do you mean how it turns? it is motorized like at the 42009 ultimate. The Motor is in the Upper part, so no cables through the connection
June 29, 2016
Johan vd Pluijm
How does the upper part rotate? I was wondering how stable the crane (black part) is when it rotates around the vertical-axis?
July 1, 2016
Michael L
Ah okay.. It rotates on a slewing ring and a plateau made of Liftarms. The black Part is stable depending on the lenght... But you have to turn very slow :-D