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New On/Off Control

    • 340 posts
    April 14, 2020 12:25 PM CEST

    Hi Eric,


    You can do this with the SBrick Pro app. The SBrick Pro is in developer beta.

    You can connect the beta testers here:

    • 4 posts
    April 12, 2020 10:05 PM CEST
    I would like a new type of programmable on/off control that would have one program associated with turning it on and another when turning it off.

    When the button is pressed the ON commands would run and the button would stay on. When the control is turned off the OFF commands would run.

    The control could be used in the following way. Suppose there were multiple 3 position switches. To do a function some would be set Up, some down and others would remain in the neutral position. After the user finished with a function all switches should return to neutral. With this control that would be easy. Only the buttons not in neutral would be set. Without this control every button would have to be set every time. Some in neutral others in other positions. (I want the control for the Mercedes Benz Argos 3245 42043)
