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SBrick + with Proximity sensor

Posted by Tor Johansen
Testing Sbrick + with proximity sensor . Trying to work out how to use sensor to brake/stop forward motion when something is in front of sensor. So far I'm not been able to combine signal from sensor and acceleration from pad. Can use signal from sensor in a circuit function to control port on Sbrick with motor connected. Depending on polarity of function vehicle can follow or back out of signal field. Also testing sequence function, can use signal from sensor circuit to trigger sequence or button on Sbrick app. But same problem, so far I'm not been able to have separate button to same port that sequence is controlling.
Posted January 15, 2017
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1 comment
  • Wolly Barabash
    Wolly Barabash Good work. I recommend that you post a screen shot of the profile program design along with your demonstration to make it useful.
    February 2, 2017