7939, 60052 Cargo Trains and SBrick

Posted by Lénárd Pásztor
Short demonstration video about an example of train remote conntroller profile. SmartBrick is the next level in remote controlling your LEGO®. Build more, play more like never before.
Posted July 28, 2014
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  • Jerome Egli
    Jerome Egli Cool, looking forward
    December 13, 2014
  • Garry Young
    Garry Young This is pretty much the layout I am going for with SBrick (two trains and two switch points) on the one layout (3 SBricks).

    Could the app profile shown in this video be added to the publicly viewable templates please?
    June 25, 2015
  • Lénárd Pásztor
    Lénárd Pásztor OK, we are working on it!
    June 25, 2015
  • Garry Young
    Garry Young Did the profile shown in this video ever get put up in the gallery? I still would like to play with it.
    October 24, 2017