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My 42030S is just perfect! :-)

Posted by Wichelroede .
Running with iPhone 5S with iOS 8.1.2 and SBrick app 3.2
Posted January 8, 2015 - Filed in LEGO TECHNIC - #42030S 
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  • sara sacchi
    sara sacchi Hi Jeroen, I have the same problem! I tried to find the 42030 profile in the market, but I couldn't find it for my iPad mini. I know the set is not available. In fact I created a MOC set. But, then, in the market, I cannot find the control profile. Did...  more
    January 12, 2015
  • Thomas Isler
    Thomas Isler As of today I'm also not able to find the profile. Any idea?
    January 16, 2015
  • Andrew Waters
    Andrew Waters It is certainly there if searched from iPhone
    February 19, 2016
  • Andrew Waters
    Andrew Waters Also just checked with my iPad and it is still there in public profiles
    February 19, 2016