- Motorized Driving
- Motorized Steering
- Motorized Outriggers
- Motorized Outrigger-legs
- Motorized Lifting/lowering boom
- Motorized Extending/retracting boom
- Motorized Lifting/lowering hook
- Motorized Upperstructure 360+ degree rotation
Extra parts in bricklink format here.
Instruction book1 and book2.
Author: Miron Kováts
Remote controller profile: not released yet.
Couple of comments though for the next one who wants to build (and order the extra parts)
- The battery pack (8881) is not... more
I have noticed a minor issue in book1: The pieces you see on p45 (the two 11-whole beams, the gears, the 2 tan rods) are actually shown "too early" and at that stage they confuse the user (my customers were complaining, where those... more