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Updated Timeline

    • 1 posts
    September 4, 2017 2:18 AM CEST

    Just wondering if we could get an updated timeline for all the content promised in the kickstarter, which is clearly badly out of date at this point...

    old timeline

    Specifically, I'd like to know when the following will be released:

       1. When will I be able to access the instructions for the alternate models using the Fireplane (42040) parts?

    "For example, if you have the Fireplane (model 42040) at home then you can build lots of different models using the same parts. We have designed 12 models using this Fireplane, including a robot that can draw, a helicopter and even a band that makes music. These building instructions will be available in the SBrick Education Library." - Kickstarter page

       2. When will the Scratch lessons/activities be available?

       3. I'd also like to understand if it will ever be possible to make use of tilt/proximity sensors directly through the Android app without hooking things up to something like Scratch/Tynker/etc?


    I get that delays happen, and that's fine, however it would be nice if you could give us an updated (and realistic) outline of your current planned schedule, please. I.e. What additional SBrick support content are you planning on releasing, and when?

    Thanks in advance...