Jaap Borggreve
This model is equipped with 5 motors; each track has its own motor. 1 motor for the rope, 1 for the mast and 1 for rotation. It has also a set of led light shining at the load. It uses two S-bricks.
Gajo de Bruin
Hi Any idea what function will be supported by the SB version of the Volvo L350F Wheel Loader? If I look at the video I count 6 (drive/steer lift/tilt lights/blinkers). A SB only supports 4 if I understand correctly, right? So what's the result? Do we get two Bricks and the same possibilities as in the video or don't we get the lighting options?
Mike Verstappen
Is there someone with a SBrick at "Lego World" in the "Jaarbeurs Utrecht" in the Netherlands (16 to 22 october, 2014)
Tamas Misik
SBrick giveaway!
Please help us to make SBrick better, and give yourself a chance to win an SBrick by completing the following survey:
(We'll announce the two winners on our Facebook page on 14th of November.)
L.s. I have 2 SBricks and a mobile phone( acer liquid Z220) I have recognation of the SBricks,but they won,t work with the software.
Can you tell me of my phone, with blue tooth 4.0 is usable?
LEGO World is een LEGO-manifestatie die jaarlijks in Nederland wordt gehouden. In 2012 bestond het evenement uit zeven hallen, met ruim 10 miljoen bouwsteentjes, grote LEGO-bouwwerken, bouwwedstrijden, ...