July 16, 2017 8:23 AM CEST
Tamas Misik said:In the last months we improved our plugins for windows and for the crhome OS.You can download our Scratch plugin for windows here: http://sbrick.dewsys.com/windriverDev/install/install.php
Please keep in mind, it's only a developer version. A few things missing from the plugin. There is now how-to, or other setup guide.
Hello, I'm trying this one with an SBrick Plus, BLED112 and Win7.
It starts and recognizes the SbP, but after clicking "Status" it says it needs firmware upgrade.
I said OK, it starts updating, but it stops after some percents (3 to 6). It never finishes. Sometimes it says it's doing the update, but does not even start to announce how many percents, it just keeps showing "updating...".
From Scratch, it does now show any sign of life.
When I tried the previous Windows Sbrick driver, it detected my SbrickPlus as SBrick, and could flash its blue LED.
As a programmer in Budapest, I would be happy to join for a debug session in your office, if applicable.
Dénes Tarján (Bernát's father)