Member Info
Profile Type: Regular Member
Profile Views: 1,518 views
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Last Update: September 20, 2014
Joined: September 18, 2014
Álvaro Pérez shared Andras Barath's group. I want become beta tester
Be a βTester and receive one of the prototypes we used for testing way before anyone can have one.
We kindly ask our members to ONLY request membership for this group if you ALREADY own an SBrick... moreBe a βTester and receive one of the prototypes we used for testing way before anyone can have one.
We kindly ask our members to ONLY request membership for this group if you ALREADY own an SBrick prototype.
The group is for beta testers - folks who pledged for "beta tester" on KickStarter or received prototypes for being a Broadcaster. We will decline other members.
We are working on a wiki to share information with the group and with the community outside, so those declined for now can peek in 
Thank you for your understanding. less
Álvaro Pérez has just signed up. Say hello!
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September 5, 1988
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About Me
I start to build legos a 6 years