February 18, 2017 12:40 AM CET
I'll add to this;
I have a profle (ID: 10085) where I have two sequences:
1: BridgeLight, 4 sec long, repeats and simply flash a light. This sequence does not crash the app.
2: BridgeUpAndDown, 91 sec long, meant to open a bridge, wait and then close it again(40 sec +1, 10 sec 0, 40 sec -1). This sequence crash the app all the times I start it, but the time is randomw between 7-15 sec into the sequence.
If I manually do it, it very, very rarely crash the app, though I have to say the App do crash from time to time at random times (out of the blue).
Device: iPad mini 4, iOS 10.2.1
App is 4.2 upd. 3.
It's a shame, as I would have loved to rund some automation here at LEGO World in Copenhagen, but as soon as I add just a bit, it starts to crash. :-/