January 14, 2017 3:58 PM CET
I'm trying to use the SBrick Plus from Linux, speaking the BLE protocol documented at https://social.sbrick.com/wiki/view/pageId/11/slug/the-sbrick-ble-protocol.
I can use it as an ordinary SBrick to drive motors just fine, but I can't get it to send me notifications about the state of sensors, voltage, or temperature.
I think I should be able to turn on notifications by sending 2c00 and then 2e00 to the Remote Control Characteristic to turn on periodic notifications of C1 on port 0. Maybe (or maybe not) I need also to send to handle 0x001b 0300 to turn on notifications.
However, I don't see any notifications. What am I doing wrong? Are notifications the right way to read sensor data from the SBrick Plus or is one supposed just to loop round sending the 0f Query ADC command?