July 16, 2015 1:02 PM CEST
Feature request: deleting background from the Designer. It's the only kind of object that can't be deleted now, and it should be because it's bugged.
See, I have this complex profile that I'd rather not start from a scratch. I was adding a slider to it, and the Designer kind of froze upon saving it. Next, when I re-opened this profile, the slider object was gone and a second background was added in its place. It's like the profile was saved with wrong new object. It's not a big problem because even with two backgrounds the profile still works. It just looks like crap because the second background seems to overlay most objects, and I can't do anything to fix it.
I understand that one background is required for each profile. But I'm sure you can add a feature detecting when a profile has more than one background, and allowing to remove the extra one.