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Posted by Piotrek Gniadek
Compressed Air future gun with sbrickPlus.
Posted February 28, 2017 - Filed in LEGO TECHNIC
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  • Johan vd Pluijm
    Johan vd Pluijm Great! How did you get the idea to build such a weapon?
    It does remind me of a flamethrower btw
    March 1, 2017 - 1 likes this
  • Piotrek Gniadek
    Piotrek Gniadek Thanks Johan!
    I'm a fan of games FPP and so little by little is gathered ..
    HalfLife2 - GravityGun (I wanted to make something with the front protruded)
    Portal - PortalGun (like the vision of arms in white - is the...  more
    March 1, 2017