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2 Supercars - 2 Bros

Posted by Lachlan Cameron
Dugald's car is white and red, lox is black and red. Focus on maximum motorized functions including front rear clam shell, doors, shifting (via broken servo motor), 2 speed transmission, steering, sbrick and drive. Enjoy! To see the different build styles, Lox built the red supercar, and Dugald built the white one. The red car has actuating doors, V10, working steering wheel and rear wing when turning, 4wd & rwd. 1 servo, 2 xl for drive, 2 m-motors for opening doors, 1 Sbrick. The white car has 1 servo for steering, 2 xl for drive, 2 M-motors for doors, 1 servo for gear shifting, 1 M-motor for rear clam shell, 1 l-motor for front clam shell.
Posted May 21, 2016 - #LEGO  #supercar  #huge build 
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