LEGO Technic Chili Crawler with SBrick
Hey, this is my Lego Chilli Crawler. It is an overall improvement from my last Lego Carrot Crawler:
Eurobricks Post:
- Triangulated 4-link live axle suspension using 4 soft, black shocks.
- 4x4 with one PF XL motor mounted parallel* to each of the two axles. A final gear ratio of 1:5.001, yes this may seem slow, but the enormous Super Swamper tires make up for it.
-4 RC4WD Super Swamper tires. No, they are not Lego, I got them from a nearby hobby shop.
- One L-motor for steering in the front axle, geared down via worm gear to 8 tooth gear, then a 12 tooth gear to a 40 tooth gear. The 40 tooth gear drives another 12 tooth gear that moves a 13L gear rack.
- Portal hubs for all four wheels. Standard Lego Unimog for the rear axle for rigidity; custom triangular plate portal hubs on front axle for a steering pivot point closer to the center of the tire.
- Good articulation, about ~55-60 degrees.
- Controlled with an SBrick.
- Powered by a Lego rechargeable LiPo battery.
Say hello to the Carrot Crawler! This crawler has been a work in progress for a long time and is in its final stages. It includes an SBrick that is controlled by an iPhone 6!
-Triangulated 4-link suspension using the Lego soft shock absorbers.
-One PF XL motor per axle (a total of two), each geared down 1:2.779.
-Custom portal hubs for each wheel.
-Ackerman Steering with slight caster angle powered by PF M motor geared down 1:3.333 including a worm gear.
-Rechargeable LiPo battery box as power source.
-Controlled by a SBrick and an iPhone 6.
-RC4WD 1.9" Super Swamper crawler tires.
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Posted February 2, 2016
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