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Profiler Problem?

    • 310 posts
    May 10, 2016 4:05 PM CEST

    [blockquote]Brian Adams said:


    I have tried testing every combination of profiler, SBrick, servo motor, and even battery (I have two of each), and the one constant failure is the SBrick. The suspect SBrick causes the same problem with another servo, but the suspect servo works fine with a different SBrick.

    I have therefore requested a replacement SBrick.



    We contacted you. :) 


    Balint Mezei - SBrick Team 

    • 18 posts
    May 10, 2016 1:26 PM CEST


    I have tried testing every combination of profiler, SBrick, servo motor, and even battery (I have two of each), and the one constant failure is the SBrick. The suspect SBrick causes the same problem with another servo, but the suspect servo works fine with a different SBrick.

    I have therefore requested a replacement SBrick.

    • 310 posts
    May 9, 2016 12:42 PM CEST

    [blockquote]Brian Adams said:

    I have just installed a new SBrick in my second truck. The SBrick and steering setups are identical to my first truck, and I copied the same profile for the second (with one modification which has nothing to do with the steering). Both trucks use the same steering construction with a Lego servo motor each.

    The second (new) truck's steering has a very poor response. As I move the slider, the brick hums ok, but the wheels don't start moving until I have moved the slider more than half way out to the maximum, then they go to full lock very quickly as I move on to maximum. There is no 'slight-turn' option. 

    I cross-linked the two trucks so that the first truck's SBrick powered the second truck's servo, and the servo worked properly, so the problem is in the SBrick or the profile, not the servo. Unfortunately it is not practical to sawp the second SBrick into the first truck.

    I use an iPhone for the first truck and an iPod Touch for the second. If I re-program the iPhone to control the second truck, the problem is still the same, whichever profile I use.


    Does that make sense to anyone? If not, say so and I will try to simplify it.



    Firstly, it looks like the problem is not because of the SBrick, rather something little construction false. 

    Maybe there is a difference between the two motors or something is wrong with the battery. 

    We ask you to test the 2 sbrick with the same battery, same motor and same construction. If you still experience difference, between them, please write us at, and we will figure out what could be wrong. :)

    Best wishes, 

    Balint Mezei - SBrick Team 

    • 18 posts
    May 5, 2016 1:04 PM CEST

    I have just installed a new SBrick in my second truck. The SBrick and steering setups are identical to my first truck, and I copied the same profile for the second (with one modification which has nothing to do with the steering). Both trucks use the same steering construction with a Lego servo motor each.

    The second (new) truck's steering has a very poor response. As I move the slider, the brick hums ok, but the wheels don't start moving until I have moved the slider more than half way out to the maximum, then they go to full lock very quickly as I move on to maximum. There is no 'slight-turn' option. 

    I cross-linked the two trucks so that the first truck's SBrick powered the second truck's servo, and the servo worked properly, so the problem is in the SBrick or the profile, not the servo. Unfortunately it is not practical to sawp the second SBrick into the first truck.

    I use an iPhone for the first truck and an iPod Touch for the second. If I re-program the iPhone to control the second truck, the problem is still the same, whichever profile I use.


    Does that make sense to anyone? If not, say so and I will try to simplify it.