The protocol over BLE is described here: https://social.sbrick.com/wiki/view/pageId/11
You can use the gatttool command to write characteristics, and so to use the DRIVE command, or to use the Quick Drive method.
One caveat is the watchdog.
The purpose of the watchdog is to prevent a model running away is your phone (or other devices) is frozen, so there is a connection (the so the model won't stop), but the application stops sending commands.
The watchdog is a timer that starts whenever there is a channel that's DRIVE-ing or BRAKE-ing. In these cases, the application MUST send a command in every second, or the connection will be terminated. Sending a "DRIVE 0" to all channels disables the watchdog.
I am trying to get the Sbrick Plus running from Linux. There are some scripts available, but none of them are working.
At this point I could read the Hardware and Firmware version of the Sbrick Plus.
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ gatttool -b 00:07:80:D0:53:XX -i hci0 --char-read --handle=0x000A
Characteristic value/descriptor: 31 31 2e 31 38
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ gatttool -b 00:07:80:D0:53:XX -i hci0 --char-read --handle=0x000c
Characteristic value/descriptor: 31 31 2e 30
Firmware: 11.18
Hardware: 11.0
I cannot get the Sbricks to work.
Please publish some documentation?