Group Info

  • Lego Team Europa LEGO TECHNIC
    • 3,246 total views
    • 6 total members
    • Last updated December 13, 2017

Lego Team Europa


  • Benny Debecker
    Benny Debecker: someone else also have problems withe the sequence editor????
    • May 21, 2020
    • Benny Debecker
      Lénárd Pásztor please delete the sequence then create a new one. It should work.
      • May 26, 2020
    • Benny Debecker
      Benny Debecker i have still the same problem also if a make a new sequence i dont get it why it before exellent worked and now its not done. very strange :-(
      when a take a second channel then a have the issue
      • May 26, 2020
    • Benny Debecker
      Lénárd Pásztor probably your profile was broke before the fix arrived. Can you try with a new one?
      • May 26, 2020
    • Benny Debecker
      Lénárd Pásztor or somehow your browser cached the old version. Can you try to reload with ctrl+r?
      • May 26, 2020
    • Benny Debecker
      Benny Debecker a have everything tried what you say but it still be the same, removing cach in firefox en other browser, i have still the problem in 2 different browsers, and have multiple reload the page.
      • May 26, 2020
  • Benny Debecker
    Benny Debecker joined the group Lego Team Europa
    • May 20, 2020
  • Rolfi
    Rolfi joined the group Lego Team Europa
    • October 4, 2019
  • Emmanuel Jean-François Jotterand
    Emmanuel Jean-François Jotterand joined the group Lego Team Europa
    • December 12, 2018
  • Fabrice Bovy
    Fabrice Bovy joined the group Lego Team Europa
    • November 11, 2018
  • michael gabor
    michael gabor joined the group Lego Team Europa
    • April 25, 2018