April 26, 2016 5:12 PM CEST
in the topic
SBrick Android App in the forum
Balint Mezei said:
Ogel Freak said:
Got 2 Sbricks today and tested with 2 Android devices (both on 5.1.1)
- Nexus 4 -> Doesn't work. App says it's connected but nothing happens when I turn a slider or something.
- Nvidia Shield K1 -> Works without any problems. Don't even have to pair the SBrick ;-)
Hi,Which firmware version do you have? The newest is 4.8. If you have an older version you have to update it.
After updating you have to restart your phone. Everytime you update you should restart it. If it doesen't work, please download the SBrick simple control application, (It is available on google play), and try the brick with that.
If you tried all of these, and nothing could solved the problem, please write us again. Regards, Balint Mezei - SBrick Team
Thanks for your feedback. Installed the newest firmware.
The Nexus 4 now works with the 'Simple control' app but not with the normal SBrick app.
Regards, Frank