January 26, 2017 11:26 AM CET
I have a similar question. I have the first SBrick, not the plus, and want to get notifications about battery and temperature.
I have one SBrick with firmware 4.8. There I can send 0100 to handle 0x001b and I get notifications.
On my other SBrick with firmeware 4.17 this does not work. Yesterday I upgraded to 4.18 but it is the same. I tried your suggestion and tried handle 0x001e that is the quick drive characteristic. Then I got this printout: "Notification handle = 0x001e value: 02 04 00 05 06 88 48 c9 58" but no notifications. I also tried to set the periodic voltage notifications with 2e0809, but I get no notifications.
I have also tried this on a version 5.1 SBrick and that works like the 4.8 and notifications is working.
Is it possible to get battery and voltage notifications on firmware 4.18?