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Profile Type: Regular Member
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Last Update: November 16, 2014
Joined: September 4, 2014
Nuno Caravaca → Profile suggestions - Offical Group: Hello Sbrick team. I have the following suggestion: A BLOCKS Profile (or aTablet / PC BLOCK APP) to control SBrick. I have seen some apps around the web to control PF using IR but with lots of limitations. Now with the range of BT i think this could... moreHello Sbrick team. I have the following suggestion: A BLOCKS Profile (or aTablet / PC BLOCK APP) to control SBrick. I have seen some apps around the web to control PF using IR but with lots of limitations. Now with the range of BT i think this could expand a lot SBrick. This way, SBrick could work as a programmable brick too. I sending a pic (with poor design) of my suggestion. Additional blocks can be added as a timer. Best regards and keep the good work.
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April 17, 1968
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About Me
I am a Portuguese music teacher and an AFOL that like LEGO City and Modular, Trains and Technic. I use power functions in Technic 4x4 vehicles and also in trains with disengage remote system, rail-crosses and switch points. I have also built some fairground attractions like bumper cars, roller coaster, Spaceship Carousel and Horses Carousel using LEGO PF.