Group Info

  • Profile suggestions - Offical Group Custom Profiles
  • Do you have an idea about a new control profile? Let's design it together!
    Please write about the profile functionality and send some scratch photos about how it works.
    • 8,734 total views
    • 34 total members
    • Last updated July 20, 2014

Profile suggestions - Offical Group


  • Chris Yee
    Chris Yee joined the group Profile suggestions - Offical Group
    • October 18, 2023
  • writemy paper
    writemy paper posted a topic in the group Profile suggestions - Offical Group:
    Homework is the part of education that nobody likes. It is boring and monotonous, so students are not interested in doing it. There are many ways to skip it, but none of which is permanent. Homework helps students to revise and learn everything ...
    • July 13, 2017
  • Ignacio Zamora
    Ignacio Zamora: Hi, I'm Ignacio from Argentina. Hoy consegui los s-bricks
    Where can I download a profile for ultimate 42009? (2 s-bricks)
    thanks in advance
    • May 23, 2016
    • Ignacio Zamora
      Balint Mezei Hello Ignacio!

      For Ultimate 42009 we had not created a special profile yet.
      We continously working on creating new profiles....  more
      • May 23, 2016
  • Ignacio Zamora
    Ignacio Zamora joined the group Profile suggestions - Offical Group
    • May 23, 2016
  • Jens Blechschmidt
    Jens Blechschmidt joined the group Profile suggestions - Offical Group
    • April 15, 2016
  • Alex Nodge
    Alex Nodge: i tried to make the profile but it will show up and will connect but wont drive
    • December 22, 2015
  • Alex Nodge
    Alex Nodge: Hi, I was wondering if someone wanted to help me make a profile for a car with differential drive with 2 different motors and steering.
    • December 22, 2015
    • Tamas Misik likes this.
    • Alex Nodge
      Tamas Misik Hi Aley,
      What kind of help do you need? You can create your own profiles at:
      • December 22, 2015
  • Alex Nodge
    Alex Nodge: Hi
    • December 22, 2015
  • Alex Nodge
    Alex Nodge joined the group Profile suggestions - Offical Group
    • December 22, 2015
  • Giorgio Corio
    Giorgio Corio joined the group Profile suggestions - Offical Group
    • December 18, 2015
  • Jens Becker
    Jens Becker joined the group Profile suggestions - Offical Group
    • September 11, 2015
  • Tung Lok Cheung
    Tung Lok Cheung joined the group Profile suggestions - Offical Group
    • September 4, 2015
  • Gary Blatt
    Gary Blatt joined the group Profile suggestions - Offical Group
    • July 18, 2015
  • Alex Cordero
    Alex Cordero joined the group Profile suggestions - Offical Group
    • May 5, 2015
  • Kelgi Cool
    Kelgi Cool joined the group Profile suggestions - Offical Group
    • April 10, 2015
  • Fabrice Rodi
    Fabrice Rodi joined the group Profile suggestions - Offical Group
    • March 20, 2015
  • Rick  Cabral
    Rick Cabral joined the group Profile suggestions - Offical Group
    • February 16, 2015
  • Rick  Cabral
    Rick Cabral: I just discovered the online profile builder tool, and it is a great start!

    I would love to see drag & drop controls of the following types:...  more
    • February 16, 2015
  • juerg siegenthaler
    juerg siegenthaler joined the group Profile suggestions - Offical Group
    • February 13, 2015
  • Chris Macivor
    Chris Macivor joined the group Profile suggestions - Offical Group
    • February 11, 2015
  • Li Kang jian
    Li Kang jian: Android's profiles is not as good as the ios device,just have the very basic control profiles,is this some kind of  discrimination?
    • February 4, 2015
    • Li Kang jian
      Lénárd Pásztor Of course not. Our apps are still in beta. We lauch the profile designer service soon, so you can create your very unique one.
    • Li Kang jian
      Li Kang jian thanks
      • February 4, 2015
  • Li Kang jian
    Li Kang jian joined the group Profile suggestions - Offical Group
    • February 4, 2015
  • Jan Tielenburg
    Jan Tielenburg: The profile market library on a iPhone is different from the library on a iPad, on the iPad are more profiles you can select. Can anyone explain the difference, is the app for the iPhone different than the one for the iPad?
    • February 1, 2015
    • Jan Tielenburg
      Jakob Peterhänsel Profiles are made for a certain screen aspect ratio.
      They are different on iPhone & iPad.. ;-)
      • July 19, 2015
  • Ian Meek
    Ian Meek: Are there any good 8 channel (2 sbrick) profiles? Thanks
    • January 28, 2015
  • NXT45 R.
    NXT45 R. joined the group Profile suggestions - Offical Group
    • January 23, 2015
  • Kevin Hainsworth
    Kevin Hainsworth: I'm building an X-drive holonomic robot (4 rotacaster omniwheels). Is anyone interested in helping to developa Profile for this ? There will need to be some trignometry involved in order to get all four wheels working together correctly. It should be...  more
    • January 21, 2015
  • Kevin Hainsworth
    Kevin Hainsworth joined the group Profile suggestions - Offical Group
    • January 21, 2015
  • Little Tomfool
    Little Tomfool: Can anyone make the control profile for 10241?
    • January 20, 2015
  • Little Tomfool
    Little Tomfool joined the group Profile suggestions - Offical Group
    • January 20, 2015
  • Matt Sailors
    Matt Sailors: The Emerald and Horizon control profiles work well. Thanks for making them available.
    • January 19, 2015