June 1, 2015 8:02 PM CEST
in the topic
SBrick Android App in the forum
I just wanted to say that I have exactly the same problem as vijay. The app calls for a software update of the sbrick and, when I accept, the app crashes (I am now using v1.4, the same thing happend with v1.3). I don't know if this is related but I also tried sbrick simple control app and it works, although it is not usable because of the huge delay between input and sbricks response (I have to wait ~5s after pressing a button for the engine to turn on).
EDIT: Sorry, I forgot to mention, my phone is Moto G 2nd gen with 4G LTE running Android 5.0.2.
This post was edited by Paweł Biernat at June 1, 2015 8:02 PM CEST