From the same member

SBrick - 8043 Motorized Excavator (Indoor)

Posted by Fernando Correia
This is a "SBricked" modified version of Jurgen's Krooshoop Ultimate 8043 Motorized Excavator. It features two SBrick prototypes (v3 and v4.1) and it also uses one patched PF cable, which allows PF M-motors to work with v3 prototype. Learn about SBrick with the links below, if it is something new to you. SBrick Community: SBrick Website: SBrick @ Facebook: SBrick @ YouTube: SBrick @ Kicktarter:
Posted December 25, 2014
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  • Uwe Steffan likes this
  • Jakob Peterhänsel
    Jakob Peterhänsel You should turn your camera a bit left, or move the setup to the right.. ;-)
    December 28, 2014
  • Fernando Correia
    Fernando Correia It had to do with the initial setup and the space for the PiP profile overlay, but I agree that some parts ended a bit out of canvas... It's hard to get it perfect.
    December 28, 2014 - 1 likes this
  • Uwe Steffan
    Uwe Steffan Hi Fernando!
    Nice video from the 8043. But where is the shovel from???? This is the real usually used shovel for excavators and I would like to have one!!!!
    Greetings from Germany
    September 22, 2015