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LEGO Tank Warfare

This is my new LEGO tank video. It's something a little different from what I normally do. The main focus of the video is my latest MOC, the Mark 7 “Athena”. The Mark 7 has quite a few functions like: Lights, Christie suspension, gun elevation and turret rotation, an actually shooting and autoloading gun with a six shots magazine, and finally a self-stabilizing gun thanks to the EV3 and a gyro sensor. Now I've made videos about LEGO tanks before. However this one is a little different because I also set out to include something of a story in this video. It's also my first video where I had multiple people collaborating with me on different parts. That is besides my best friend, Depipro, who has helped me before. Hope you will like it. If you want to jump straight to the action, please click here: I am also planning on a video that focuses on the technical side of the Mark 7; show you how it works. I hope to finish that video in a couple of weeks. Credits: Produced and executed by Kelkschiz Camerawork and other assistance by Depipro Voice of Athena and audio FX by Jenni Nexus Voice of Kyotosomo by Kyotosomo Songs: Hemispheres and Hiking both by Silent Partner Alternate by Vibe Tracks Sounds: M1A2 Abrams Accelerating by Flyguy85.* WAR-TANK-ENGINE AND CRAWLERS-Crawlers rattling and engine sounds-0004 by JoniHeinonen.* Explosion_01 by tommccann.* Numerous sounds from the Military Sounds Pack by qubodup.* RRMX FIRE MEDIUM 3 by skyklan47.* Bing1 by BmacZero.* *See for more information on these artists. I would like to thank: YTtalk staff and community for being an awesome community for content creators. The LEGO community for supporting and inspiring me. PS, no LEGO pieces were harmed in the making of this video. For more pictures and footage, check my Flickr page: Twitter: Blog:
Posted April 24, 2016
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