If you have the correct andoid version Scratch is probably useless for you. The SBrick App is a fine programmed control station, it does work app. 95% in my case. I think android or my tablet has some problems but it works more or less correct.
Programing is possible with the profile designer using the sequence button / sequence editor which appears after starting the sequence. It is simple but I am a simple person too. I have no experience with circuit.
Ask as often as you have problems! Unfortunately, I can only help very basically. I bought my SBrick from a german seller: Rentabrick who helps in german language.
Thanx for the reply Lothar.
Only one question, you say that I can use a tablet , i got a android tablet , but can I use this with scratch for my SBrick or only withe the SBrick app, because I wanted to use SBrick to program some stuff.
And if yes do I only install a scratch app and use it or is it more difficult than that.
Thanx in advance,
But when I go to https://www.sbrick.com/education at the bottom there is a link for For Windows 7+.
So this is strange to me , hope that someone from SBrick themselves can shed some light on the issue.
I bought a TP-Link usb dongle with bluetooth 4 and installed the drivers the installed SBrick scratch plugin.
When i start the plugin it says that it has not found BLED112 dongle.
But in this post https://social.sbrick.com/forums/topic/444/bled112-necessary it says it is not necessary.
Also when i look in the tutorial pages how to setup my SBrick it says (it won’t work with BLED112 dongle).
Can someone please explain what is wrong here.
Thanx in advance