July 23, 2016 2:22 AM CEST
in the topic
SBrick Android App in the forum
I have been trying to figure out how to use Profile Designer and Sbrick app (I think they are supposed to work together, each doing half of the job). I have studied the guide at
and searched for answers and how-to guides elsewhere but am not finding answers for novices.
A few critical confusions:
In Profile Designer::
What do the "Channel" fields do?
The first Field says "You can define the control Channels here. The channels can be selected in the sbrick app" ...
- Do channels refer to the physical ports on the sbrick?
- Obviously "Defining" and "Selecting" are 2 different things because one is done in the Profile Designer and the other is done in the Sbrick App. Which is which? What to the 2 words mean in this context?
- What are valid entries for this field?
- How does this field map to a specific Sbrick and a specific port that a device is plugged into?
The second "Channel" field says the exact same thing in the tool tip!
- This is a longer field - maybe it is a description?...
- If it is a description - then how does it differ from "Name"... in other words, Where does this label show up?
- If it is not a Description, then what are valid entries for this field?
What are Points?
The description tool tip simply says that you can define them.
- is this related to the Pulse Width Modulation of the port being controlled?
- What are the units of measurement?
- How do the Points influence a Motor? a Light? a Servo?
Can I save Profiles ?
Is there such a thing as a Profile "file"?
How do I get a Profile onto my Sbrick controlling device/phone?
In the SBrick App:
- How do I assign a Profile to an Sbrick?
(...or do I assign Sbricks to a profile?)
- What is a "Creation"? (MOC?, Profile? )
- On the Creation tab, it can show multiple profiles, but it doesn't show any Sbricks...Does that mean that I've missed a step?
- Also, Sbricks and Creations are on different tabs in the application: does this mean they alternative approaches to doing the same thing?
- can you assign a "Creation" to an Sbrick? or Sbricks to a creation?
- The Creations have "Channel" selections; are these mapped to a Profile or an Sbrick? (Or something else?)
- Creations have media files, just like Profiles: Is there a layout Editor for the Creations? What are these media files used for?
- When I assign a second Profile to a Creation, only the first profile is displayed when I run the Creation; am I missing a step?
- When configuring a Creation, it requires tests with a connected Sbrick; will the Creation only work with that specific Sbrick in the future?
- Is it intended that you build a new "Creation" for each MOC you make in order to use a given "Profile"?
Using both Profile Designer and Sbrick App:
- Is there an app to create or edit profiles locally, on my phone or tablet so that you only set up the controls in one app?
- Are there any "How to" videos that walk you through the process - showing how it is supposed to work?
- Is there a Wiki or other location where people can discuss back and forth about SBrick issues?
(Considering that users can't reply to individual comments here, or search for answers)
Any help would be greatly appreciated - I see that many people are using the Sbrick successfully - I'd like to be one of them!