October 12, 2015 9:53 PM CEST
in the topic
SBrick Price in the forum
Hi, Let me start by saying the I'm so happy that someone has come up with something like this, and although there have been some hickups, I"m very optamistic about the future evolvement of the SBrick and any addons that are coming. That being said, the price of the SBrick is difficult for a lot of people to manage. I bought two SBricks, and being in Canada, it cost me two Hundred dollars, that's just for the SBricks dutes and taxes, and dosn't include shipping. Don't get me wrong, I understand that it costs a lot to get something like this up and running, but although I was, and am planning to buy more (at least eight), at this time it may be a few months before I can buy even one or two more.