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Friends: 2 friends
Last Update: October 17, 2019
Joined: June 1, 2017
Peter Subert: Hello Amos,
I have not been here lately. If you wanted to build a drift car, I would see 2 options:
1. Either you build something really light and use the m-motors for direct drive (preferably on the rear axes). I would find a few videos on youtube with... moreHello Amos,
I have not been here lately. If you wanted to build a drift car, I would see 2 options:
1. Either you build something really light and use the m-motors for direct drive (preferably on the rear axes). I would find a few videos on youtube with samples.
2. You build a still remarkably lightweight MOC with a small battery and use a buggy motor. The buggy motor is very powerful, it can drive a rear axis and you can drift with your car. As an example, I have built a MOC, following Paul Boratko's design for a hotrod (
and I motorized it with a buggy motor: ttps:// It drifts...
Please let me know, if it helps. less
amosthedoggy → U.S.A Sbrick Fans: how can I get better power from my two double a battery boxes because I want to make a lego drift car, but only have two m motors. does linking them together work and how can I do that, and any ideas for a drift car frame
amosthedoggy → U.S.A Sbrick Fans: is anyone on here right now
amosthedoggy I have two large battery boxes, does anyone know how to make them more powerful and how to make a good drift car with them and only two m motors
amosthedoggy → Lego Technic C Modellen: sorry I have not been on lately. I have had school work. I think that I have something for the front axle. It is, All About Lego's, compact drive and rear axle. Here's the link: ... moresorry I have not been on lately. I have had school work. I think that I have something for the front axle. It is, All About Lego's, compact drive and rear axle. Here's the link: Big shoutout to All About Lego because this wouldn't have happened without him. less
amosthedoggy → Lego Technic C Modellen: FYI I do not have the rechargeable battery box
amosthedoggy → Lego Technic C Modellen: hey, what time zone are you in, I am in the central United States. why I want to know this is so that I do not disturb you while you are sleeping
amosthedoggy plus, I do not have the rechargeable battery box. hey Lego Technic C Modellen could you give me a big city or what country you are in so I do not contact you while you are sleeping.
amosthedoggy → Lego Technic C Modellen: on youtube, it says that you are null
amosthedoggy → Lego Technic C Modellen: I just want a chassis that sits a few high and can climb over lego boxes
amosthedoggy → Lego Technic C Modellen: I also have four cv joints and am thinking about buying four more
amosthedoggy → Lego Technic C Modellen: I just can not get steering right and I can not figure out where to mount the motors
amosthedoggy → Lego Technic C Modellen: I will, thanks and by the way, the black springs are really soft
amosthedoggy → Lego Technic C Modellen: I do not have instagram, sorry
amosthedoggy → Lego Technic C Modellen: I want to make an off roader but I only have two m motors and these,I have four wheels four gray springs and four of the hubs
Alex G is now friends with amosthedoggy.
amosthedoggy → Samuel Spurgeon: do you guys know how to take a tracked vehicle with two motors and run it with a joystick
amosthedoggy → Lego Technic C Modellen: I've seen that one, any other good ones that are in english
amosthedoggy → Lego Technic C Modellen: hey jasper it's amos, thanks and could u friend me, I don't know how
amosthedoggy Hey guys how can I get front steering and suspension without having a live axle
amosthedoggy has just signed up. Say hello!
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