August 10, 2016 3:30 PM CEST
Jörg Bachmayr said:
Hi all,
I tried to test some simple-sequence, the profile loads at my Windows Phone, but the seqence is not visible!
Also I miss the mapping of the sBrick-Channel to the Sequence-Channel.
I also tried to name the sequence channel like the slider channel (I only want a "Stop" Button for a Train-Profile).
I tried several combinations, but - I never see the sequence on the profile when I start it on the Windows Phone!
And as i mentioned above, I don't know where I should map the channels between sBrick and Sequence ...
Please Help!
Thx in avance!
AddOn: the HorizonExpress Profile on the public store works on the Windows Phone, but I want to create a profile to control 4 trains!
AddOn2: On Android, the sequence is visible and working, on Windows Phone, the sequence is not visible!
It seems to be an issue on Windows Phone!
best regards
Ath this time, the Windows Phone app can't handle the sequence. We are working on a new version, which will have the sasme functions and look like as the Android app.
We ask for your patience.