June 4, 2016 5:55 AM CEST
Sorry if this has been covered before -- no way to search this forum.
Recently refitted the working rotortug concept model below for SBrick remote control. (Write-up and video at http://www.moc-pages.com/moc.php/419307.)
The boat has 2 forward omnidirectional Z-drives and one more aft, each with its own propulsion and steering motor -- hence, 6 independently controlled motors in all. The forward Z-drives are on one SBrick, and the aft Z-drive on another.
Problem is, the first SBrick to connect when I start a suitable profile is almost always the only one that works. The control(s) tied to the other SBrick simply do nothing. Sometimes, none of the active controls work, and once -- but only once -- all of them did.
I see this behavior with all of the public profiles meant for 2 SBricks and with several of my own 3-joystick profiles as well. I have a lot of experience setting up profiles.
Is there a trick I'm missing here? I'm using an Android phone (Samsung Note 5).
Thanks for any and all help,