September 3, 2021 7:03 PM CEST
in the topic
Profile Designer in the forum
Hi, let me ask again,
Is it possible to dampen the output of a channel somehow? Especially if I quickly change the input, the output should change slowly. Usecase: I have some 3.5 kg Batmobile here, driven by 2x PF L-Motors and I even need to use the small 12 tooth gears. When it is driving at full speed and I reverse speed quickly (which may happen, as soon as I use a game controller), it puts enormous stress on all parts involved. (It broke off half of the teeth of a gear the other day, never seen that before) I'd like to reduce that stress by prohibiting speed reversals somehow. Buwizz and Mould King (I think) have that implemented because it is usefull for anything with a high inertia.Any ideas?