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SBrick Android App

    • 2 posts
    October 22, 2015 1:30 PM CEST

    Thought I would share the results of my experience with my new sbrick. I have a galaxy S5, running android 5.0. My phone can see the s-brick, was able to update the firmware for the brick, but nothing will cause the brick to run any of the connected motors. This happens in both version 1.7 of the sbrick app, and the sbrick simple control app.

    Functional operation can not come quick enough. Otherwise my expensive sbricks are about as functional as actual bricks.

    • 17 posts
    October 21, 2015 1:12 PM CEST
    Is there any news about the update?
    • 32 posts
    October 17, 2015 10:25 AM CEST

    [blockquote]Tamas Misik said:

    Hi Guys,

    Everything going well, but it seems need a few more days for our developers. They are working hard, so hopefully we can start the public test and you'll see the totally new application soon :) Thanks for the patience.



    • 99 posts
    October 15, 2015 10:24 PM CEST

    [blockquote]Tamas Misik said:

    Hi Guys,

    Everything going well, but it seems need a few more days for our developers. They are working hard, so hopefully we can start the public test and you'll see the totally new application soon :) Thanks for the patience.


    This means that everything's alright: developers ALWAYS need a few more days - LOL :)

    OK guys, do things right. Better test and re-test as much as necessary before any release.

    • 17 posts
    October 15, 2015 8:09 PM CEST
    In the Netherlands we said. The holding you on a line ;)
    • 164 posts
    October 15, 2015 6:25 PM CEST

    Hi Guys,

    Everything going well, but it seems need a few more days for our developers. They are working hard, so hopefully we can start the public test and you'll see the totally new application soon :) Thanks for the patience.

    • 99 posts
    October 15, 2015 12:19 AM CEST

    Excellent :)

    • 164 posts
    October 14, 2015 5:27 PM CEST

    Hi Guys,

    Sorry for the late reply. The developers are working really hard on the new application. It will get a totally new design as well. 
    It semms we can make an internal test tomorrow, but as we see we need to fix a few minor bug this week. Hopefully the test will going well tomorrow and we can start the public test very soon. 

    Stay tuned tomorrow, we'll let you know the results. Thanks for your patience. 

    • 95 posts
    October 14, 2015 10:40 AM CEST

    [blockquote]Marc Jaouen said:

    [blockquote]Tamas Misik said:

    Hi Marc,
    The new application will be available wtihin 1-2 weeks. Our developers has rewrote the whole application... So far the results are very promising, but we still need to test a few things before the release ;)

    Hi Tamas, that was written on the 18th of September: what's the status today ?



    This is a very goog question...


    • 99 posts
    October 13, 2015 6:12 AM CEST

    [blockquote]Tamas Misik said:

    Hi Marc,
    The new application will be available wtihin 1-2 weeks. Our developers has rewrote the whole application... So far the results are very promising, but we still need to test a few things before the release ;)

    Hi Tamas, that was written on the 18th of September: what's the status today ?


    • 32 posts
    October 11, 2015 1:42 PM CEST

    [blockquote]Frederic Ayrault said:

    [blockquote]Kevin Bacon said:


    First, let me say that you guys have a great innovative product with SBrick! 

    I have been testing the last week with SBrick.  I have a Samsung Galaxy S6 with Android 5.1.1 and the SBrick at firmware 4.4.  The only thing I noticed is that every so often, regardless of distance the communication is dropped and most of the time this locks the app.  I tried both the SBrick 1.7 app and the SimpleControl available from Google store with the same result.  Just today, I downloaded the SimpleControl posted in the forum and this no longer happens!

    Look forward to the next version of SBrick for Android.  Any idea on a next version that brings the functionality available on iOS to Android and this fix?

    Thanks - keep up the good work you guys!



    I am also waiting for this new version.

    I hope il will be fully operationnal and provides all the functionnality of iOS.

    I do not want to wait almost one more year with an alpha version...

    Like Kevin said, the harware is amazing and works fines with iOS so it is a little disappointing when playing with android


    Same! I hope it comes soon!

    • 95 posts
    October 11, 2015 9:40 AM CEST

    [blockquote]Kevin Bacon said:


    First, let me say that you guys have a great innovative product with SBrick! 

    I have been testing the last week with SBrick.  I have a Samsung Galaxy S6 with Android 5.1.1 and the SBrick at firmware 4.4.  The only thing I noticed is that every so often, regardless of distance the communication is dropped and most of the time this locks the app.  I tried both the SBrick 1.7 app and the SimpleControl available from Google store with the same result.  Just today, I downloaded the SimpleControl posted in the forum and this no longer happens!

    Look forward to the next version of SBrick for Android.  Any idea on a next version that brings the functionality available on iOS to Android and this fix?

    Thanks - keep up the good work you guys!



    I am also waiting for this new version.

    I hope il will be fully operationnal and provides all the functionnality of iOS.

    I do not want to wait almost one more year with an alpha version...

    Like Kevin said, the harware is amazing and works fines with iOS so it is a little disappointing when playing with android

    This post was edited by Frederic Ayrault at October 11, 2015 9:47 AM CEST
    • 3 posts
    October 10, 2015 5:07 AM CEST


    First, let me say that you guys have a great innovative product with SBrick! 

    I have been testing the last week with SBrick.  I have a Samsung Galaxy S6 with Android 5.1.1 and the SBrick at firmware 4.4.  The only thing I noticed is that every so often, regardless of distance the communication is dropped and most of the time this locks the app.  I tried both the SBrick 1.7 app and the SimpleControl available from Google store with the same result.  Just today, I downloaded the SimpleControl posted in the forum and this no longer happens!

    Look forward to the next version of SBrick for Android.  Any idea on a next version that brings the functionality available on iOS to Android and this fix?

    Thanks - keep up the good work you guys!

    • 178 posts
    October 8, 2015 3:52 PM CEST

    I'm glad to hear that Michael, thank you for the feedback.

    • 7 posts
    October 7, 2015 2:02 PM CEST

    [blockquote]Tamás Fábián said:

    ....Here is a new version of the Simple Control:

    It uses appropriate API calls on each Android version to initiate scanning, and requests the OS to use faster connection....


    Hi Tamas,

    i was a few days afk but now back in the game. today i gave it a try and managed to upload the firmware 4.40 by using my android tablet (nexus 7 2013, android 5.01) and simplecontrol-201510021700.apk. 

    SBrick 1.7 is working fine, too :)  Looks like the showstopper was the old firmware 4.1 and the error when updating the fimware.

    ...many thanks for your support!



    This post was edited by Michael H. at October 7, 2015 2:04 PM CEST
    • 28 posts
    October 5, 2015 10:04 AM CEST

    I was following the thread but I didn't have time to check yet. I'll post an update as soon as I check the new .apk.

    • 178 posts
    October 5, 2015 9:54 AM CEST

    Makar V: thank you, I'll try something different and build a new apk.

    Others: any word?

    • 32 posts
    October 3, 2015 4:57 PM CEST

    [blockquote]Makar V said:

    [blockquote]Tamás Fábián said:

    Michael, bachaddict, and anyone else ready for an adventure ;)

    Here is a new version of the Simple Control:

    It uses appropriate API calls on each Android version to initiate scanning, and requests the OS to use faster connection.

    It also displays connection information on the green status bar when connected (after a few seconds, it looks like this: 48.8ms/0/17321.0). The first number is the connection interval, the second is the slave latency, the third is the connection timeout.

    Good luck,





    Hi Tamas!

    It Works!.........Sometimes.

    I still cant update the firmware on one of my sbricks or pair with any of them.It just says cannot communicate with sbrick.





    Finally able to pair! but still wont work

    • 32 posts
    October 2, 2015 7:19 PM CEST

    [blockquote]Tamás Fábián said:

    Michael, bachaddict, and anyone else ready for an adventure ;)

    Here is a new version of the Simple Control:

    It uses appropriate API calls on each Android version to initiate scanning, and requests the OS to use faster connection.

    It also displays connection information on the green status bar when connected (after a few seconds, it looks like this: 48.8ms/0/17321.0). The first number is the connection interval, the second is the slave latency, the third is the connection timeout.

    Good luck,





    Hi Tamas!

    It Works!.........Sometimes.

    I still cant update the firmware on one of my sbricks or pair with any of them.It just says cannot communicate with sbrick.




    • 178 posts
    October 2, 2015 5:05 PM CEST

    Michael, bachaddict, and anyone else ready for an adventure ;)

    Here is a new version of the Simple Control:

    It uses appropriate API calls on each Android version to initiate scanning, and requests the OS to use faster connection.

    It also displays connection information on the green status bar when connected (after a few seconds, it looks like this: 48.8ms/0/17321.0). The first number is the connection interval, the second is the slave latency, the third is the connection timeout.

    Good luck,



    • 2 posts
    October 2, 2015 12:13 AM CEST

    Hi , I've solved the situation with a restart my mobile.

    Only a question.

    I've downloadedall profile on my mobile phone but only a few works.

    Certain profile make a crash of program (sBrick).


    This post was edited by Michele Grossi at October 2, 2015 12:13 AM CEST
    • 2 posts
    October 1, 2015 11:38 PM CEST

    Hi , I'm an Italian new user of this fantastic object.

    I've received my 4 sBrick today but.... they seems doesn't work.

    Onto sBrick official application, the three sBrick are found , but not responding at any command.

    After a firmware update the LED is forever ON ,before forever OFF. (firmware update in Safe mode)

    If I launc the Simple Control Application , they are founded but doesn't work.

    I also tried an OTA firmware to 4.3 at 4.4 but the application stop the process at 2%.

    The third device I started first the Simple Control Application and it worked at version 4.0

    Then I make the firmware to 4.0 directly to 4.4 onto this application because the official sBrick application requested me the upgrade.

    The third device noe doesn't work (LED forever ON).

    What can I do with my last device?

    And with the first three one?

    Sorry my very bad English.


    I've one Samsung s4 GT-I9505 with Android version 5.0.1

    • 32 posts
    October 1, 2015 6:06 PM CEST

    [blockquote]Tamas Misik said:

    Hi Makar,

    Do you try to use the app this way?

    yes, and if your still doesn't connect to the SBrick, please try to pair your phone with your SBrick ( ) and try it again use the simple control app: 


    Hi Tamas!


    just tried it and it worked!

    I discovered i hade firmware version 4.3 not 4.4 and updated that.

    Then tried the sbrick app and that worked too but only for a short amount of time.

    It then didnt respond and closed.

    Thanks for your attention,




    This post was edited by Makar V at October 1, 2015 9:10 PM CEST
    • 164 posts
    October 1, 2015 11:33 AM CEST

    Hi Makar,

    Do you try to use the app this way?

    yes, and if your still doesn't connect to the SBrick, please try to pair your phone with your SBrick ( ) and try it again use the simple control app: 

    • 32 posts
    September 30, 2015 10:06 PM CEST

    [blockquote]Tamas Misik said:

    Does not matter when did you restart your phone :)

    Please download this simple control application? Does it work on your phone? Can you control the SBrick with this application?


    hi Tamas!

    Already had the app but experiencing the same problems.

    Finds sbricks,opens the control panel then doesnt connect to the sbricks.

    Its a great idea but has the same issues.

