Group Info

  • Coding app beta test Custom Profiles
  • This group is for those involved in testing our new coding enabled application!
    • 12,818 total views
    • 81 total members
    • Last updated July 22, 2019

Coding app beta test


  • Chris Yee
    Chris Yee: Hi, a bit of a dumb question but is this beta test still going?
    • October 17, 2023
    • Chris Yee
      Hambone Good Question, where is everybody ?
      • October 18, 2023
  • Chris Yee
    Chris Yee joined the group Coding app beta test
    • October 16, 2023
  • Ben Smith
    Ben Smith: The link I had to the downloads doesn't work where are the downloads!
    • January 20, 2023
  • Craftygijs
    Craftygijs joined the group Coding app beta test
    • January 14, 2023
  • Christian Baumgartner
    Christian Baumgartner joined the group Coding app beta test
    • January 4, 2023
  • eichhoernchen
    eichhoernchen joined the group Coding app beta test
    • November 20, 2022
  • Fabrice Bovy
    Fabrice Bovy: Hi all,
    can you tell me why I don't have the SBrick Pro app any more on my iPad ?
    When I go to Testflight, it tells me "No App to test"...
    • November 3, 2022
    • - edited
  • Steffen Hougaard
    Steffen Hougaard: Hi. have some problems in getting startet (tried 1/2 year ago but din not manage) but now I try again. I have acces to the Sbrick Pro Beta and I can build a test program, but I cant get accet to my Sbriks. I get the message below and the link to the...  more
    • October 12, 2022
    • Steffen Hougaard
      Craftygijs i have the same problem
      • January 14, 2023
  • Steffen Hougaard
    Steffen Hougaard joined the group Coding app beta test
    • October 12, 2022
  • Donát Raáb
    Donát Raáb joined the group Coding app beta test
    • October 7, 2022
  • Hambone
    Hambone: Receive "502 Bad Gateway" when trying to access from desktop
    • October 3, 2022
  • Mario Russo
    Mario Russo: Just came across this … maybe old news to some people, if so my apologies. It would be nice to have LEGO Powered Up app with Power Functions and remote support … is this a possible additional feature???

    Have a look at this …
    ...  more
    • August 10, 2022
  • Mario Russo
    Mario Russo: Hello All, Been playing with 2 SBricks and a PoweredUp hub for a train. Using 1 Sbrick channel to control a turntable & 6 to control point/switch motors. So far so good. The most annoying thing I have experienced so far is that the background image...  more
    • July 29, 2022
    • Mario Russo
      Mario Russo Ok, I think I sorted this out, my ignorance, my background was just an image and not part of the stage. Added the image to the stage and its much better. If I select the stage nothing moves
      • July 30, 2022
  • Mario Russo
    Mario Russo joined the group Coding app beta test
    • July 29, 2022
  • Joe
    Joe joined the group Coding app beta test
    • July 10, 2022
  • Ben Smith
    Ben Smith: Hello everyone. I have a problem with some code I've written which works on my desktop PC but doesn't work when I run the same program on my android phone. It's very simple - I use the Smart Motor Position Reset block to set the position of a smart motor...  more
    • April 30, 2022
  • Ben Smith
    Ben Smith: Hello everyone. I am using the sBrick Pro app to control a model but need some help coding. I want to have a slider for steering but for it to have a RANGE. I am using a smart motor with rotation sensor so it should be possible to have the steering...  more
    • March 29, 2022
    • Ben Smith
      Lénárd Pásztor You can connect it as a "smart" motor then you can use the calibration block for that.
      • April 25, 2022
  • Ben Smith
    Ben Smith joined the group Coding app beta test
    • March 29, 2022
  • Ario Gaviore
    Ario Gaviore: Hello guys. I've a problem.
    I want to create the following sequence: By pressing a key (6 for example) I want to start a motor motion in loop. I also want that at any time I want, pressing a key (space for example) to freeze the sequence. What am I...  more
    • February 3, 2022
  • Ario Gaviore
    Ario Gaviore joined the group Coding app beta test
    • February 3, 2022
  • Fabrice Bovy
    Fabrice Bovy: I have a strange behavior when creating a project on iPad and open it from Windows.
    I had to remove all hubs then add them again and reconfigure all virtual ports.

    Is it a normal behavior ?
    • January 5, 2022
    • Fabrice Bovy
      Lénárd Pásztor yes, the iPadOS fakes the hw address of the hub, so it is always changeing so we not save it.
      • February 17, 2022
  • Fabrice Bovy
    Fabrice Bovy: Hi all,

    I did some new test with the powered up distance and color sensor and the event "When Color sensor value change" is never fired...
    However, the "When distance sensor value change" is fired...  more
    • January 5, 2022
    • Fabrice Bovy
      Mario Russo Just tried today- Seems to be working
      • July 30, 2022
  • Chuck  Hagenbuch
    Chuck Hagenbuch joined the group Coding app beta test
    • September 25, 2021
  • Martin Nygaard
    Martin Nygaard posted a topic in the group Coding app beta test:
    ...  more
    • September 13, 2021
  • Hector Andres Sarabia
    Hector Andres Sarabia joined the group Coding app beta test
    • September 3, 2021
  • Todd
    Todd: Hi Guys
    I am testing 2 Sbricks before I commit to 28 more. Please advise. I have a massive Lego Train Layout (outdoors) and have 27 powered engines in total.

    I am playing with the SBrick Pro App (Beta) because it will run when not all Sbricks are...  more
    • August 26, 2021
  • Einar R Einarsson
    Einar R Einarsson joined the group Coding app beta test
    • August 2, 2021
  • Dawid
    Dawid joined the group Coding app beta test
    • June 28, 2021
  • Reckless_glitch
    Reckless_glitch joined the group Coding app beta test
    • June 2, 2021
  • Boulou
    Boulou: hello,

    After last windows driver Update
    Large motor 88013 and XL motor...  more
    • May 17, 2021
    • Boulou
      Boulou Since today windows driver Update, both motor work with hub 88009, despite they are still show as Not Compatible
      • May 18, 2021