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SBrick Android App

    • 4 posts
    March 1, 2015 5:52 PM CET

    Hello SBRICK-Team,

    permanent app crash (v 0.60) at my s4 mini with android 4.4.2, have done a factory reset also.

    Now we  have march a no working app for android. It would have been better to spend my money for some lego spare parts.

    I named my SBRICK: UPOH (Useless Piece Of Hardware). I am very unsatisfied and disappointed.

    Thinking about to sell my UPOH to an ios user.



    • 4 posts
    March 1, 2015 3:46 PM CET

    Hello Everyone and Sbrickteam, 

    I am also very disapointed about the functionning of the android app. I have installed the last version today with connecting to my sbrick. Nothing works correclty. I have a Nexus 4 with 5.0.1 version.

    I can connect to my sbrick, make the Led status on but not the port tester (or sometime when I keep the cursor some second, the motor starts and stop). I can create a set, add a profile and a linked sbrick, but half a time, I can not set the action on sbrick (mapping), And when I succed (port A = steering and port B = acceleration), it doesn't work when I try to move cursor (Servo motor don't move or juste stop and start quiclky), and the motor get stall to the noisy sound. Also, when mapping the function, the cursor on/off on the top beside the sbrick do nothing. To finish, the apps crash often.

    I understand this is a alpha version of the apps but when the developper team asked me for making a video promotion for christmas, I can not say yes because it doesn't work ! The Ios apss was very good at least. Now the sbrick is sold, so the apps have to work ! 

    I hope I am not the only one who have trouble with it.

    Good luck team !

    • 5 posts
    February 28, 2015 11:55 PM CET

    [blockquote]Alexey Tikhvinsky said:

    We were promised an upgrade to the end of the month - and as a result we get nothing. The current version of the application is incompatible with the designer profiles and didn't work in general. We are disappointed more and more. All the promised features doesn't works correctly for Andoid OS. 

    Such disregard seems strange to me, especially after the successful launch of the project. I would like to believe the best - but after months of waiting I can't.

    Regards, Alex


    I held off buying the Sbrick untill it looked like the Android was working.  Like Alexey,pretty dissapointed that there has been no fix for the app.  App wont connect to the brick at all.  Come on guys put some effort into the product you are promoting.

  • February 28, 2015 10:27 PM CET

    We were promised an upgrade to the end of the month - and as a result we get nothing. The current version of the application is incompatible with the designer profiles and didn't work in general. We are disappointed more and more. All the promised features doesn't works correctly for Andoid OS. 

    Such disregard seems strange to me, especially after the successful launch of the project. I would like to believe the best - but after months of waiting I can't.

    Regards, Alex

  • February 26, 2015 9:44 AM CET


    There is a possibility to get all the features you just asked:

    • control more than one device
    • control more than one channel with the same slider
    • reset
    • create a sequence of commands
    • react on events that are sent from the device
    • minimum requirement Android 4.0
    • ...
    • it's working

    And no, i don't mean to buy an overprized apple.

    • 95 posts
    February 25, 2015 5:29 PM CET

    I also hope will be able to control more than one SBrick,

    control more than one channel with the same slidder,

    "auto reset" set to No works

    Thank you


    • 1 posts
    February 25, 2015 9:19 AM CET


    just wanted to ask, will the following problems be solved in the new version?
    - App is force closing all the time! (adding/modifing profiles, using sliders, connecting to sbrick, logging in...)
    - Multitouch on sliders works only, if you first press the left slider and then the right one. 
    - connection problems after changing profiles
    - after playing with it few times, there is a massive lag on the communication. Like 5 second

    + please add the functionality to store email and password, so I don't have to re-type it all the time


    Phone: HTC One S, Android 4.4.4.
    app version: 0.0.60

    • 340 posts
    February 24, 2015 1:05 PM CET

    Testing the new android app. We are working hard to make a new release in this week.

    • 3 posts
    February 23, 2015 7:52 PM CET

    I have had success with the adroid app with simple setups(acceleration and steering) using only one SBrick. I have an Asus tablet with Kitkat. This all ends when trying to get two Sbricks setup as with Jurgens Linkbelt excavator. With the designer program with custom features I will  try to get it going(I'm not going to work too hard on this BTW) but when you check out the profile for the iOS it's plain to see that it is well written and works well. How much time was put in for the development of the iOS version? There is a lot of Android user's out there that will expect a version just like the iOS and regular updates. This product is a fantastic wish come true for a lot of us MOC builders and we are all hoping that good quality app will happen soon!

    • 95 posts
    February 23, 2015 5:06 PM CET

    I pledged the Construction Crane and the F1 Racer Sets five monthes ago
    What do I have today?
    - One of the intruction book has messy pages
    - extra parts list is useless (png file)
    - Official remote profiles: not released yet
    - android app still alpha

    This post was edited by Frederic Ayrault at February 23, 2015 5:06 PM CET
    • 1 posts
    February 21, 2015 7:56 PM CET

    Hi! Can you make app for android 4.0.3. Im with HTC Desire C, my bluetooth can find SBrick, but i can't install app.

  • February 21, 2015 12:07 AM CET

    Hi! I'm not super frustrated only because I anticipated Android users would not be favoured initially (so many others don't even bother with Android at all) but it looks like developers here got plenty of feedback to work on 0:)

    Anyway, I came to check if my issues has been reported already, but can't see it, so here it is:

    - I installed the APK from just yesterday

    - I've tried on my Nexus 5 phone and Nexus 7 v2 (2013) tablet, no difference.

    - I can discover the SBrick pretty quickly, switch the LED, even test ports, from the "Manage bricks" menu. So far so good.

    - I create a MOC, add the "Gamepad II" profile and link the SBrick. Looking good.

    - I touch on the "Gamepad II" profile and see "Connecting to SBrick" pop-up... FOREVER. Really, it never gives up. The only way to stop it is turning the SBrick itself off, at which point the app seems to correctly detect that the SBrick has gone off-line ("Could not connect to SBrick, ...")


    No amount of APL reinstalls, Android reboots, SBrick reboots, or sexy pillow fights seem to help. I'm totally stuck, and surprised this hasn't been reported... oh well, I wouldn't be surprised if it has been reported and I just didn't read it right, apologies in that case!


    While I'm here, there's another rather silly issue I see all the time: I can't set my MOC image. I click on the pool-of-bricks image, I see recent photos, I hit one, I'm back to square one and, so far I can see, all that happens is exactly nothing.


    Oh, and please fix the app's use of the "back" button in Android, it's quite messy. I just hit "back" from the list of my sets and often see just the blurred 8070 front, but sometimes it takes me back to "Discovering SBricks" if that's what I did before going to my sets, long ago!


    Also, I can login in the app (now that I'm registered here :) but can't see any of My Profiles. So far created only one, but it's never found in the app. I hit the "My Profiles" button, it "loads" for a second or less, and shows nothing.


    I think I'll check back in a month or so, but I may be able to try new versions sooner if you have any, just let me know :)

    • 24 posts
    February 20, 2015 6:20 PM CET

    [blockquote]Sylvain CACHEUX said:

    Gabor: I don't agree with you as it have never been told that Android would as much under-developed. If it has been told since the begining, then I would agree. I maintain my 1rst reply to you. Devs have months to do at least some basic functions working, like ligths. If I go in your sens, until when will we wait? There is no communication from devs! Just as we are complaining about this incredible situation, Vengit replies on this topic that we'll have all our answer until the end of this month. What would it be if we were not complaining? We would wait until Xmas? 2 monthes are largely enough to make (and at least debug) basic functions working!!!!!!


    Agree completely, Sylvain.  Is Gabor offering to lend iPads to all frustrated users?  Probably not but perhaps Vengit should?


    • 25 posts
    February 20, 2015 1:19 PM CET

    Gabor: I don't agree with you as it have never been told that Android would as much under-developed. If it has been told since the begining, then I would agree. I maintain my 1rst reply to you. Devs have months to do at least some basic functions working, like ligths. If I go in your sens, until when will we wait? There is no communication from devs! Just as we are complaining about this incredible situation, Vengit replies on this topic that we'll have all our answer until the end of this month. What would it be if we were not complaining? We would wait until Xmas? 2 monthes are largely enough to make (and at least debug) basic functions working!!!!!!

    • 19 posts
    February 20, 2015 9:42 AM CET

    Sylvain: give devs some time OR use iOS if you are not willing to wait any longer, that's all i say. as a hardcore Android user, i'm also looking forward a usable app with PD support but atm i can accept that i need an iPad if i want fully working app with features like gyroscope steering.


    btw, i've finally managed to get my SBrick working on Nexus 9 (reinstalling, rebooting and all of theses tricks) but not on Nexus 5. weird difference, and control on Nexus 9 is also very sluggish (far from perfect).

    This post was edited by Gábor Polczer at February 20, 2015 12:30 PM CET
    • 25 posts
    February 20, 2015 9:07 AM CET

    Gabor: When we bought/pledged sbricks, it was not question of having to also buy an IOS device!!! So no, this is not acceptable. 2 monthes do still be in alpha version is not acceptable. Simple function like switching on then off a light does not works!!! I can't let you say that we, android users, should shut up and accept that!!!

    • 7 posts
    February 19, 2015 7:14 PM CET

    @Tamás Fábián

    Thanks. Now it works if I was logged in.

    This post was edited by Tanja Causemann at February 19, 2015 7:19 PM CET
    • 19 posts
    February 19, 2015 6:09 PM CET

    hey guys, don't be a jerk, android app is still alpha! it's no secret that vengit developed SBrick for iOS and Android is secondary. just look at all the videos they published since day 1 @ kickstarter. please borrow an older iPhone or iPad if you can not wait for Android app to go beta/final.

    This post was edited by Gábor Polczer at February 19, 2015 6:10 PM CET
  • February 19, 2015 5:59 PM CET

    [blockquote]Peter Quick said:

    ... I'm starting to think I want my money back.  The hardware is cool, but the app sucks....  Let's just make the basic stuff work correctly.


    Also I think already about it.


    • 2 posts
    February 19, 2015 12:00 AM CET

    More testing on Android App 0.0.60

    Port testing - C has been swapped with B port.  This was correct in a previous version.

    When connecting a SBrick - clicking on the port doesn't activate it, or the app just crashes....

    Try to start a profile - all I get is connecting to the SBrick, it never allows me to go into the profile to try it out.

    My profiles - this doesn't work....

    Seriously guys, I'm starting to think I want my money back.  The hardware is cool, but the app sucks....  Let's just make the basic stuff work correctly.

    I'm part of a LUG group in Colorado, so I can influence people to buy or not buy.  Right now I would tell them not to buy, because you don't properly support Android. And there is no support, just a group of really really frustrated users.  Would someone on the actual team acknowledge all the existing issues/defects....

    • 95 posts
    February 18, 2015 9:13 PM CET

    [blockquote]Sylvain CACHEUX said:

    So please keep your word: debug the existing, do NOT add new functions before existing is REALLY reliable!


    I do agree with you but I think we need some "basic" functions we have already discuss earlier.

    For me the android app should do the same than the ios version...

  • February 18, 2015 7:27 PM CET

    Status mit LENOVO LIFETAB_S831X :

    Mit Simple Control 1.5 funktioniert folgende Testkonfiguration einwandfrei !


    Bis auf einen kleinen Buchstabendreher ;-)


    Mit 0.0.60 gibt es permanente Systemabstürtze.


    This post was edited by Karl Fensterstock at February 19, 2015 6:00 PM CET
    • 178 posts
    February 18, 2015 5:38 PM CET

    Thanks Tanja, I've fixed that, please try again.

    • 7 posts
    February 18, 2015 4:46 PM CET


    HTC One S (CyanogenMod / Android 4.4.4) bluetooth connection works with 0.0.60 but Market does not work.

    Best regards

    • 25 posts
    February 18, 2015 3:19 PM CET

    Here is what I pledged for:

    Pledge £280 or more
    40 backers Limited (60 left of 100)
    This is the LEGO® Trains "Diehard" fan pledge, the most effective one at the cheaper price per SBrick. :)
    Receive 8 SBricks and get control of your ultimate train layout. Remote control up to 8 trains, or 32 layout devices (track switches, semaphores, etc), or any combination that better suits your train layout specifics.
    As a bonus receive the instructions for our track switch and semaphore designs.

    Where are the "Diehard" train functions in a usable app? No slider that keeps its position when releasing, no working button to switch on lights, just to speak about only these 2 points. So hard to do a button function that works? On, Off : too complicated?

    And where is the "bonus"? But anyway, I'd rather an app that's not crashing, existing functions working, than a bonus.

    I've just received a communication by kickstarter, indicating all existing functions will be debuged and reliable at the end of this month. Big challenge. I hope I won't be disapointed again.

    So please keep your word: debug the existing, do NOT add new functions before existing is REALLY reliable!


    Bonus info: I've re(re-re-re...)tried the "handdrawed" profile. When steering, you can't use the other slider (but the contrary hopefully works: you can drive and then steer). Lights still not work.