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SBrick Android App

    • 25 posts
    March 3, 2015 5:05 PM CET


    I'm like Philippe Hurbain. It seems to be working better (Samsung Galaxy Note II with 4.4.2) but I have to test further.

    Nevertheless, still no roadmap or information about debuging future work... Still waiting.

    This post was edited by Sylvain CACHEUX at March 3, 2015 5:07 PM CET
    • 95 posts
    March 3, 2015 1:00 PM CET

    [blockquote]Jurgen Krooshoop said:

    Just installed version 0.8 and I could notice some improvements. Most functions work now, exept for one:

    I can now assign 2 SBricks to 1 profile and assign all the profile functions to the SBrick ports, but the profile can controll only 1 (the first) SBrick. All functions assigned to the second SBrick do not respond. So only half of my excavator profile works.

    Using Sony Z3 Compact, Android 4.4.4


    This is one of the function I am waiting for. I would also like to control more than one channel with the same slider;-)


    • 23 posts
    March 3, 2015 12:16 PM CET

    Just installed version 0.8 and I could notice some improvements. Most functions work now, exept for one:

    I can now assign 2 SBricks to 1 profile and assign all the profile functions to the SBrick ports, but the profile can controll only 1 (the first) SBrick. All functions assigned to the second SBrick do not respond. So only half of my excavator profile works.

    Using Sony Z3 Compact, Android 4.4.4

    • 3 posts
    March 2, 2015 10:27 PM CET

    The latest 0.80 works partially on my Samsung Tab S with Kitkat. I can no longer save a profile to test. I can see the sbricks or sbricks(I am trying to get Jurgens Beltlink 220 to run) but it has problems seeing two sbricks. I can identify the two bricks and run all the motors with very good control....but that is it!! I also get the message that Sbrick has stopped working just when things are going good! I also have the latest ipad mini and even that app has a few problems still. BTW I would like to get the profile that controls Jurgens excavator. Is it still available?

    • 16 posts
    March 2, 2015 9:15 PM CET

    I still have to test more extensively, but 0.80 seems to work pretty well on my Asus ME572C. Yeah !!! :D

    • 95 posts
    March 2, 2015 8:36 PM CET

    I found a little bug in 0.80. When I leave a profile, the motor does not stop to spin

    • 5 posts
    March 2, 2015 7:13 PM CET
    Super... funktioniert jetzt endlich mit meinem Galaxy Note 4 und mit meinem LG GPad 8.3
    Keine Abstürze. Der Porttester funktioniert jetzt. Die Profile auch. Nichts ist verzögert.
    Nur zwei SBricks werden noch nicht unterstützt. Beim zweiten angemeldeten SBrick kann man die Ports testen aber in den Profilen funktioniert nur der erste angemeldete SBrick.

    Weiter so... dann geht vielleicht auch der Rest mir der nächsten Version.

  • March 2, 2015 6:45 PM CET

    Es wird immer schlechter statt besser :-(

    LIFETAB S8312

    Android 4.4.2

    SBick App Version 0.8

    Die kopplung zwischen Pad und Brick dauert ewig.

    • 19 posts
    March 2, 2015 6:37 PM CET

    it's not necessary just easier to follow this way. comments can't be tracked when there is too much of them.

    • 21 posts
    March 2, 2015 6:13 PM CET

    [blockquote]Gábor Polczer said:

    Maxim, Samsung Galaxy S3 is not even on the list, you should add it first if you have problems with it.

    And developers for what ?!
    With my poor knowledge of English, I wrote several times about the error for Samsung S3. And now it turns out that it was necessary to add some sort of record in the "wiki". Are you kidding ?! Kindergarten...

    • 19 posts
    March 2, 2015 5:56 PM CET

    on the left side there is a wiki menu, second from top is Edit function.

    • 41 posts
    March 2, 2015 5:53 PM CET


    How can i add the S3 to the list.....because i put a comment the other day in the list page with all the issues and version i test.....and still the S3 is not there.

    Comon....S3 is a very popular model!!!!

    This post was edited by Denis H at March 2, 2015 5:56 PM CET
    • 41 posts
    March 2, 2015 5:51 PM CET

    Just tested the **NEW** 0.80 version of the app.....i have to say it (sorry!!) but it's still a piece of crap.


    Tested in my Samsung Galaxy S3 (android 4.3), do a clean install (remove the previous app, erase the cache and all stuff):

    - I can't discovery the sbrick in the port test (only discovery once from like 30 times i try).

    - The one time i discovery the sbrick the port test don't work at engine is moving, even left the slider to max for about 1 min.

    - Also I can't discovery in the profile screen.

    - I can download my "test" profile from the PD.....but is useless if i can´t discovery the sbrick.

    - The app hangs a lot.


    If you ask me the 0.6 and 0.8 version of the app is THE SAME!!! no change at all!!

    So, Sbrick-TEAM.....where is the routmap of the android app development.....where is the date i can use the sbrick???? 

    My phone (S3) is a very popular can do a google search (wiki page) to the top selling models with android OS, and the S3 is in the Top 3.....i can't believe you CAN'T borrow some S3 from a friend and test.

    • 19 posts
    March 2, 2015 5:51 PM CET

    Maxim, Samsung Galaxy S3 is not even on the list, you should add it first if you have problems with it.

    • 21 posts
    March 2, 2015 5:33 PM CET

    You read all comments? Or you specially ignore Samsung Galaxy S3?

    This post was edited by Maxim Baybakov at March 2, 2015 5:33 PM CET
    • 340 posts
    March 2, 2015 1:33 PM CET

    We are trying to collect different devices that runs android and debug the app device by device.

    On our development devices the app is not bugfree, but works much better than you reported here.

    It can be a big help for us if you leave comment about your device in this list:

    Please test with 0.80.

    • 5 posts
    March 2, 2015 12:17 PM CET

    Just tried the App 0.8 on HTC One 4.4.3 app crashes as soon as I try to connect to a brick, actaully worse than the previos version. 


    • 19 posts
    March 2, 2015 12:06 PM CET

    Oh man, this whole thing is not about specifically stated Android versions or who gets proper app first, it's about developing a great product for the Lego community. If you say I'm more selfish than constructive when offering debugging with my nexus devices you are simply mad or not objective.


    Whole thing is nonsense, whining for refund and offending devs/other members won't solve any problems with Android fragmentation or alpha App issues.


    Btw iOS is not perfect either, I could control my SBricks with gyro steering from an iPad Air weeks ago, but now that profile is gone and only manual steering profiles are available in the public profile market.

    This post was edited by Gábor Polczer at March 2, 2015 12:10 PM CET
    • 24 posts
    March 2, 2015 11:53 AM CET

    [blockquote]Gábor Polczer said:

    I'd rather say that devs should test new app versions on a pure Android device like a Nexus, not on heavily modified systems like Samsung Galaxy devices! And when it's ok on a Nexus, there is a chance that it will be ok on other modified systems! And we did not talk about Android versions here, a 4.3 or 4.4.2 system can not be compared with vanilla 5.01 or  the upcoming 5.1...


    I understand exactly where you're coming from, Gabor.  I'd like the app to be proved on my device first as well.  If it works on "heavily modified systems like Samsung Galaxy devices" there is a chance that it will work on other systems.

    The Kickstarter project stated that it would work on Android devices without any limitation on version being specified.  Sbricks own advertising states that it will work on Android from version 4.3 up so you are mistaken when you say that "we did not talk about Android versions here".  Android versions have been specifically stated!!!

    • 19 posts
    March 2, 2015 11:34 AM CET

    I'd rather say that devs should test new app versions on a pure Android device like a Nexus, not on heavily modified systems like Samsung Galaxy devices! And when it's ok on a Nexus, there is a chance that it will be ok on other modified systems! And we did not talk about Android versions here, a 4.3 or 4.4.2 system can not be compared with vanilla 5.01 or  the upcoming 5.1...


    As I've previously said, I'm ready to help your work by providing feedback using my Nexus phone/tablet.

    • 24 posts
    March 2, 2015 11:13 AM CET

    Another month, another broken promise!!

    The latest app 0.8 is at least different rubbish on a Samsung Galaxy S3 running Android 4.3.

    Still have the well-known freezes and crashes but it appears to connect to an Sbrick.  I say appears because there is no way of actualling testing whether it has connected.  The Port Tester has disappeared and it is impossible to add any Profile to a creation.

    There is a chance that it properly downloads both public and personal profiles but as these can't be used at all I have no way of knowing!

    You say that this app has been tested on a Samsung Galaxy S4 mini.  Could I make a radical suggestion and ask that you test it on other Android devices as well?  Sbrick have previously claimed that the problem is caused by the vast number of different variations of Android that are about.  I have already suggested that if a single app is beyond the capabilities of your developers you should make separate variations for differing versions of Android.  However, I now see no future in this approach if you are only ever going to test on a single Android device.

    Continual promises of fixes that do not materialise only undermines the little confidence that is left that Sbrick will ever provide what they have claimed from the very first - an Application that will work on any Android device from version 4.3 on.  I do get the feeling that this claim for an Android app was only made in Kickstarter to increase the chances of reaching the funding target with no real commitment to creating this app.  Why don't you prove me wrong, Sbrick, and come up with a working solution AS YOU HAVE PROMISED ON NUMEROUS OCCASIONS!

    I'm inclined to wait a further few days for this but, after that, I'm fairly certain that my 2 Sbricks will find their way into the "I've thrown my money away" receptacle!


    • 19 posts
    March 2, 2015 10:50 AM CET

    I don't know how this is possible, but 0.8 app is the same on Nexus 5 as official app before: no working profiles at all (even your handdrawn profile seen on the most recent video from Tamas). On Nexus 9 app can drive SBrick but not all functions work as they should (acceleration is choppy or non functioning).

  • March 2, 2015 7:28 AM CET

    Tamas, good work. App is much more stable now. Custom profiles works like a charm. No disconnects and lags. But "one function, two ports" problem are still there. So, when you assign functions to every port, and use two or more ports for one function, app will "remember" only first port with this function. If you disconnect motor from the first assigned port - no other motors will work. So maybe the problem appears on the "writing function to every port" stage.


    Regards, Alex

    This post was edited by Alexey Tikhvinsky at March 2, 2015 7:31 AM CET
    • 164 posts
    March 2, 2015 12:54 AM CET

    Guys, here's a non-public version of the latest Android application:
    Drive link:

    tested on a Samsung Galaxy S4 mini, and the App works properly. Video:

    have made a big step. The application is basically already works well, but unfortunately, the app doesn't run the same on every device yet. There are some devices we were found bugs ( for example LG G3). This is the reason why we are in delay.

    If you find any bugs on your device, please help us and extend the mobile compatibility list here:

    We hope, we can solve these minor bugs in the next few days, and the App will works on every device like you can see in the video.

    Sorry for the delay, and thank you for your understanding!

    (If the app doesn't work on your device, please try to use this SBrick Simple Control app:

    This post was edited by Tamas Misik at March 2, 2015 1:20 AM CET
  • March 1, 2015 10:41 PM CET

    I want my money back !!!