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SBrick Android App

    • 25 posts
    February 2, 2015 6:10 PM CET

    [blockquote]Norman Chalcraft said:

    [blockquote]Matej Papluh said:

    Having option to edit profiles in-app would be nice, but I disagree for it being easier to develop:

    - having a PC (and easily MAC/Linux if using portable language) to generate profiles that can be loaded by app is faster. And if done in HTML5 for example its possible that one would be able to use even mobile browser. 

    - this would also eliminate the need to create the editing engine for each platform - as you can see, we (as android users) still don't have the functionality that iOS guys have even after 3-4 months. I do not want to way to Xmass  2015 to be able to customize profiles while iOS guys will be happy to do so half a year before us (I understand Apple-first approach when the app generates money, but as part of HW product that I paid for, I really, really hate it) 


    Totally agree!!




    I don't mind where the graphical part of the app is done. But I am persuaded that doing profiles and profiles and profiles is the better way to never meet users expectations as every moc is unique. Moreover, how to control several sbricks ? How to join several profiles on the same screen ? That means that you'll have to control 2-3 trains/MOCs one by one ? I've had the chance to use a mobile software with the kind of approach I mentionned (doing little parts that user puts where he wants on his screen). This is awesome because everybody can set up his own display by arranging controls/labels where he wants. And if you have a tablet, you can put more controls/labels. And it's not incompatible with profiles. It's just another choice of development that need to be done at the begining.

    As said, the better part is that as it's fully compatible with the profile notion (a profile is never more than some controls/labels put in a certain way and then saved...), that's not preventing from doing a profile designer in html5 if you want. But developing the app this way makes user autonomous with his plateform, no need of a PC (on which either you will have to develop 1 profile designer application per OS, linux/windows/mac... much complicated than in-app by design).

    I truely think that developers already have created functions (like for a slider, for example). Then it's included in a profile (I don't know how and where). So basic feature is already there : functions (sliders, buttons, etc). Only thing is to format. Detect screen size, divide it in small squares, and allow user to put a control in these squares. A button would be 1 square, a slider 2 squares (horizontal or vertical), a label 1 square, etc. Then add a "save" button and that's all. It should be very simple (and no need of a PC).

    I don't think coding like this would add so much development time. And as the app is still at its early development stage, it should be easy to take this approach in account. Moreover, having an external tool to design profiles add significant development beside a fully autonomous app (no link to handle, no sync, no particular security, etc.).

    With the current design way, we will soon have hundreds of profiles (and have fun to find one that "may" fit your particular need), and it will quickly be impossible to find what you want, so people will redo profiles, which will add more and more profiles and profiles and profiles... That's not very attractive, no?

    Moreover, the current way is selecting profile, and then sbrick. As we should change more often of profile than of sbrick (which detection is quite long, regarding profile selection), I think the sbrick should be the first to be selected, then the profile. And so it should be in the profile that we affect a control to a sbrick port. I think it's more logic.


    Nevertheless, I think we do not have enough exchanges with developpers. Where are they, what are they coding yet, can they reply us about some design question like this one, when should next step be completed, is there any development calendar, ... ?

    This post was edited by Sylvain CACHEUX at February 2, 2015 6:14 PM CET
  • February 1, 2015 9:04 PM CET

    [blockquote]Norman Chalcraft said:


    • Social functions


    • Share brick with friends (shared secondary password)


    • Gather & save data about brick usage & voltage / temp informations
    • About screen
    • First steps screen
    • Brick list improvements
    • Social feed
    • Social messages
    • Social events
    • Help screen
    • Synchronize user's sets


    Shame that it doesn't include anything about being able to control a Sbrick.


    100% ACK. I'm not really sure if they are writing an SBrick control APP or a second Facebook.

    Make the brick work first and foremost. At the moment you are aiming to build a non-driving car with a mega-ultra-soundsystem...


    Leg bedre,


    This post was edited by Christian Treczoks at February 1, 2015 9:04 PM CET
    • 1 posts
    February 1, 2015 8:00 PM CET
    I have a Samsung galaxy s4(GT-I 9595) running android 4.4.2. I have installed the sbrick app. Not really working. It will discover the brick and testing the ports work ok, however none of the templates control the sbrick. I have watched the YouTube video of the setup and it looks like you should be able to assign with port of the sbrick is controlled with which control on the template/profile. This does not seem to be the case and I have found myself with a potentially awesome bit of kit which I am unable to control/use. I hope this can be looked into.
    • 1 posts
    February 1, 2015 2:14 PM CET

    Have just got my first SBRICK to do something.  Its kind of lame so far unfortunately.  Both with my Samsung Note 2 and with my Samsung Galaxy Tab S I can get an initial connection to the brick but after a while it pulls up an alert to say "Couldn't discover all bricks!" and I have to reset the phone or tablet before I can get it back.  I tried disabling Bluetooth and re-enabling it but that did not work.

    So its basically unusable at the moment.

    I will hang fire for a little while to rate it on the Android site as its clearly in Beta at the moment but I hope its going to improve pretty fast!

    • 24 posts
    January 31, 2015 7:03 PM CET

    [blockquote]Matej Papluh said:

    Having option to edit profiles in-app would be nice, but I disagree for it being easier to develop:

    - having a PC (and easily MAC/Linux if using portable language) to generate profiles that can be loaded by app is faster. And if done in HTML5 for example its possible that one would be able to use even mobile browser. 

    - this would also eliminate the need to create the editing engine for each platform - as you can see, we (as android users) still don't have the functionality that iOS guys have even after 3-4 months. I do not want to way to Xmass  2015 to be able to customize profiles while iOS guys will be happy to do so half a year before us (I understand Apple-first approach when the app generates money, but as part of HW product that I paid for, I really, really hate it) 


    Totally agree!!

    • 34 posts
    January 31, 2015 4:02 PM CET

    Having option to edit profiles in-app would be nice, but I disagree for it being easier to develop:

    - having a PC (and easily MAC/Linux if using portable language) to generate profiles that can be loaded by app is faster. And if done in HTML5 for example its possible that one would be able to use even mobile browser. 

    - this would also eliminate the need to create the editing engine for each platform - as you can see, we (as android users) still don't have the functionality that iOS guys have, even after 3-4 months. I do not want to wait to Xmas 2015 to be able to customize profiles while iOS guys will be happy to do so half a year before us (I understand Apple-first approach when the app generates money, but as part of HW product that I paid for, I really, really hate it) 


    This post was edited by Matej Papluh at February 1, 2015 2:22 PM CET
    • 25 posts
    January 31, 2015 3:12 PM CET

    [blockquote]Jurgen Krooshoop said:

    IMO, it would be better to get every current function working correctly first, instead of adding new functions.




    And IMO (and as already said before), it would be better to give user controls like sliders, buttons, joystick, etc (+ editable labels) and let him place them anywhere on his screen, instead of giving him as-is profiles that he cannot modify. Things would certainly be easier to develop (just doing functions like slider operationnals one by one (control by control) instead of having to develop a whole complex profile).

    This would easily allow multi-Sbrick support (making train users very happy) and would solve problems like screen size (people with tablets would have more space to put controls than people with smartphones, instead of giving tablet users the same interface just oversized (getting it probably ugly)).


    This post was edited by Sylvain CACHEUX at January 31, 2015 3:14 PM CET
    • 340 posts
    January 30, 2015 2:37 PM CET

    [blockquote]Jurgen Krooshoop said:

    Yes, the feature I miss the most is being able to use multi-SBrick profiles, like the profile for my Excavators.

    And the Android-app is starting to give the "Couldn't discover all bricks"-messages as well, just like my iPod has been doing for some time now, ever since I updated the SBricks-firmware.

    Which means I currently cannot controll any SBrick-Excavator, nor the U 8043 S, nor the Link Belt, rendering the SBricks useless 8-(


    If you are upgrade an SBrick you need to disable and reenable the Bluetooth on iOS because it caches the old BT data.

    [blockquote]Jurgen Krooshoop said:

    IMO, it would be better to get every current function working correctly first, instead of adding new functions.


    Absolutely agree with you, we are working on it..

    • 5 posts
    January 30, 2015 11:04 AM CET

    It would be nice to make the android app an open source project, so that some of use can help fixing bugs.

    This post was edited by Stefan Sauer at January 30, 2015 3:23 PM CET
    • 23 posts
    January 29, 2015 10:41 PM CET

    Yes, the feature I miss the most is being able to use multi-SBrick profiles, like the profile for my Excavators.

    And the Android-app is starting to give the "Couldn't discover all bricks"-messages as well, just like my iPod has been doing for some time now, ever since I updated the SBricks-firmware.

    Which means I currently cannot controll any SBrick-Excavator, nor the U 8043 S, nor the Link Belt, rendering the SBricks useless 8-(


    IMO, it would be better to get every current function working correctly first, instead of adding new functions.

    • 24 posts
    January 29, 2015 7:13 PM CET

    It's good to see a defined development path for the Android software as in.....



    • Provide connection indication
    • Support for the profile designer



    • Password protection for the SBrick
    • Notifications
    • Show voltage, temperature, firmware version


    • Social functions


    • Share brick with friends (shared secondary password)


    • Improve control latency and bandwidth usage


    • Gather & save data about brick usage & voltage / temp informations
    • About screen
    • First steps screen
    • Brick list improvements
    • Social feed
    • Social messages
    • Social events
    • Help screen
    • Synchronize user's sets


    Shame that it doesn't include anything about being able to control a Sbrick.


  • January 28, 2015 12:45 PM CET

    [blockquote]Maxim Baybakov said:

    Samsung S3 9300

    "discovering sbrick..." for 3-5 sec and the label "discovering sbrick..." disappears, no one sbrick is found.

    When I choose any profile in moc for test, the app freezes for several sec and closes.


    same for me with lg-v700

    • 3 posts
    January 28, 2015 11:36 AM CET

    Hi Nikolaus


    if you have any ideas...





    [blockquote]Nikolaus Berger said:

    Hello d sz, give me email, I try to help you with your problem


    best regards




    • 4 posts
    January 28, 2015 10:59 AM CET

    Hello d sz, give me email, I try to help you with your problem


    best regards



  • January 28, 2015 1:13 AM CET

    i have an




    it seems that it does not recognize the sbrick,forget,the set,crash for market tools

    see u

    • 4 posts
    January 27, 2015 8:00 PM CET

    I'm still unable to detect my Sbrick with my Op3n Dott Tablet, with Sbrick App. I have problems with Nrf Master Control Panel too. The log says 0x81: GATT INTERNAL ERROR and 0x85: GATT ERROR.
    Does this have any meaning to somebody?

    • 34 posts
    January 27, 2015 3:27 PM CET

    I have just updated Nexus 7 to 5.0.2 and used that to load up the 0.41 app. Seems that first time detection is better than .35, but I'll need to test it more.

    Also the SBrick refuses to be paired in BT screen, something that was not there before.

    Apps still crashes from time to time, last time on profile exit.

    The lag is still there.

    • 19 posts
    January 27, 2015 11:08 AM CET

    v0.41: same here on nexus 5 & 9, no sbricks can be discovered with new version. no matter what i do, restart, new moc, reinstall app whatever. simply cannot use my sbricks on android :(

    • 3 posts
    January 26, 2015 9:54 PM CET


    I have recently installed the android app, and I'm really disappointed because of the following problems:

    • only the gamepad 2 and the test profiles seem to work (more or less)
    • How to invert the steering direction????? 
    • there is much more control latency than using the original IR remote
    • the app crashes randomly
    • after some (internal?) problems, the sbrick is not connectable anymore. the android app should be restarted to be able to connect again

    Any recommendation, solution?

    I'm using a motorola moto G - stock android 4.4.4.




    • 7 posts
    January 25, 2015 12:26 PM CET
    Atm it is not possible to discover SBrick, also if I use created sets....
    • 95 posts
    January 24, 2015 11:08 PM CET

    I am able to discover the SBrick when creating a new set, sometime I can play with the linked profile and then connection is lost.


    I need to leave the app disconnect bluetooth to get the connexion again just for a few time


    I will go back to v26










    • 21 posts
    January 24, 2015 9:46 PM CET

    Samsung S3 9300

    "discovering sbrick..." for 3-5 sec and the label "discovering sbrick..." disappears, no one sbrick is found.

    When I choose any profile in moc for test, the app freezes for several sec and closes.

    • 7 posts
    January 24, 2015 3:39 PM CET

    Forgot to mention that 100% issue is fixed......

    • 7 posts
    January 24, 2015 3:19 PM CET

    The updated app version is much better.....still some issues, but I can do the following now :

    - discover SBrick

    - connect to SBrick

    - Upload MOC picure

    - download profiles (no 42030 profile unfotunately)

    - Test ports, but some do not react

    - Assing task for ports, but some are blank and sometimes show text like accelerationand steering. And seems like there is no lift or tilt options.

    - Save my set

    - View tutorial

    The app still crashes randomly. And it is slow at some tasks, but seem to me to be very close to work. Thanks, hope you can use this feedback....

    • 87 posts
    January 24, 2015 2:06 PM CET

    It works with my Sony Xperia Z1 4.4.4 but I cannot say if it is better at discovering or not:

    First SBrick found it fine, worked ok. The I powered up a second SBrick and it also found it (secondary issue: I had "Identify Led On on first one, Identifiy Led on the second one answered "off"... is it a toogle value not aware of multiple SBricks?). Next time I discovered SBricks it found none. Then just one. Then both. Then none Then both.

    With 0.35 I had a nasty problem (once) when changing froone SBrick to another: it discovered but never could use it, no matter what I do... had to uninstall and reinstall.It seems better now (but I'm mostly using my PC and my Mindstorms EV3).