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SBrick Android App

    • 6 posts
    December 25, 2016 4:52 PM CET


       I'm unable to use "Pick Gallery" for the media on the sbrick app.  After choosing a photo, the sbrick doesnt show any new image chosen.  howeve, using "take photo" option works.  What is wrong with it?

       Please advise.



    Phone: Mi Max

    android OS: v6.01

    • 13 posts
    December 22, 2016 12:14 AM CET

    With the new version without the "Exit" button, to quit the application I have to press the system "Home" button and then remove the app from the running apps list. Here are three exit methods I've seen implemented in other apps; one of them could be used in future versions of the SBrick app:

    • Normal "Back" button, like the SBrick Simple Control app;
    • Press "Back" twice in a quick sucession (making a popup appear saying "Press Back again to exit") upon the first button press;
    • Hold down the "Back" button.


    Unfortunately, this new version still can't detect any SBricks when running on my Shield Tablet K1; on the Xperia Z1 Compact it still works.

    • 164 posts
    December 20, 2016 4:24 PM CET

    Yes, it has been removed. We have got some request both from apple and google about the remove of exit button because the mobil developer guidlines prohibit the exit button. This is the trend nowadays, the most popular applications don't have exit button.

    • 95 posts
    December 20, 2016 8:40 AM CET

    Just started new beta 4.2.2 and exit option has disappeared from the menu...


    This post was edited by Frederic Ayrault at December 20, 2016 8:40 AM CET
    • 164 posts
    December 12, 2016 12:30 PM CET

    [blockquote]ANDRE Francois said:

    Hi sbrick team and owners


    Last week end i had to change my phone. my old windows phone was broken and i finally choose a sony xperia E5 android.

    Now i tried again and again to make it work with my sbrick.

    No problem to couple it with the phone but no way to found it with the sbrick app...I tried  many times coupling uncoupling run the app but no result at all ...

    maybe If it's a firmaware problem but I can't update the sbrick firmware without the app and i don't know how to do to make it available for the app...Is someone has any advice or solutions ....



    Dear Andre,

    If you experienced any problem with our new (4.2.1 beta) app, then please go to your device's bluetooth settings menu, and unpair your device and your sbrick. If after the unapairing any bugs or issues still persists, please contact us again.

    • 310 posts
    December 11, 2016 5:32 PM CET

    [blockquote]ANDRE Francois said:

    [blockquote]Balint Mezei said:

    [blockquote]ANDRE Francois said:

    [blockquote]Balint Mezei said:

    [blockquote]ANDRE Francois said:

    Hi sbrick team and owners


    Last week end i had to change my phone. my old windows phone was broken and i finally choose a sony xperia E5 android.

    Now i tried again and again to make it work with my sbrick.

    No problem to couple it with the phone but no way to found it with the sbrick app...I tried  many times coupling uncoupling run the app but no result at all ...

    maybe If it's a firmaware problem but I can't update the sbrick firmware without the app and i don't know how to do to make it available for the app...Is someone has any advice or solutions ...



    Please check out our simple control application, whether it can find your device, 

    Here you can find the link for the app,

    After checking this, please fill out this form, to help our developers find out what could be wrong,


    Sbrick Team




    Thanks for your fast answer. I check  the simple control app and it doesn't find my sbrick so i don't have many things to tell for developpers...

    Any other solutions ?


    I'll forward your problem. Our developers will check it out. :) 

    Sorry for the inconvenience, 






    Still no news ? Christmas is approaching and my sbrick is still not recognized by the application sbrick !!! How sad !! At least 2 motorized sets coming soon !!!



    Hello Andre, 

    We have a beta test program, with the (4.2.1) application version. 

    Here you can find the link, 

    Please join and share your new experiences, whether it solve the problem,

    SBrick Team

    • 4 posts
    December 10, 2016 3:19 PM CET

    [blockquote]Balint Mezei said:

    [blockquote]ANDRE Francois said:

    [blockquote]Balint Mezei said:

    [blockquote]ANDRE Francois said:

    Hi sbrick team and owners


    Last week end i had to change my phone. my old windows phone was broken and i finally choose a sony xperia E5 android.

    Now i tried again and again to make it work with my sbrick.

    No problem to couple it with the phone but no way to found it with the sbrick app...I tried  many times coupling uncoupling run the app but no result at all ...

    maybe If it's a firmaware problem but I can't update the sbrick firmware without the app and i don't know how to do to make it available for the app...Is someone has any advice or solutions ...



    Please check out our simple control application, whether it can find your device, 

    Here you can find the link for the app,

    After checking this, please fill out this form, to help our developers find out what could be wrong,


    Sbrick Team




    Thanks for your fast answer. I check  the simple control app and it doesn't find my sbrick so i don't have many things to tell for developpers...

    Any other solutions ?


    I'll forward your problem. Our developers will check it out. :) 

    Sorry for the inconvenience, 






    Still no news ? Christmas is approaching and my sbrick is still not recognized by the application sbrick !!! How sad !! At least 2 motorized sets coming soon !!!

  • December 9, 2016 2:45 AM CET

    [blockquote]Tamás Fábián said:

    Hello Francesco,

    the documentation had an error, the ADC channel numbering changed after version 14.

    The battery reading is on channel 8, the temperature is on 9.

    The full list of channels can be read in the updated documentation: . See section "SBrick Data Records", record 06 "Voltage measurement".


    Yes! This is what I needed! :D Thanks ;)

    • 178 posts
    December 8, 2016 11:00 AM CET

    Hello Francesco,

    the documentation had an error, the ADC channel numbering changed after version 14.

    The battery reading is on channel 8, the temperature is on 9.

    The full list of channels can be read in the updated documentation: . See section "SBrick Data Records", record 06 "Voltage measurement".

  • December 7, 2016 6:23 PM CET

    I joined the Beta program, downloaded the App and updated the firmware but is still the v17 with the volt/temp bug... :(

    • 13 posts
    December 7, 2016 6:01 PM CET

    Thanks, I've opted-in for the beta test program. It should be especially interesting to me, as the previous beta version (whose APK link was published in this topic) works fine with my Sony Xperia Z1 Compact (Android 5.1.1), but my NVidia SHIELD Tablet K1 (Android 6.0.1) can't recognise that there's an SBrick connected.

    • 164 posts
    December 7, 2016 5:04 PM CET

    The new (4.2.1.) SBrick beta application has released. 

    You can opt-in to our beta test program on the following link:

    stability improvements
    - driver bugfixes

    Please test it, and share with us your experiences. 

  • November 30, 2016 11:48 AM CET

    Ok, thank you! :)

    • 310 posts
    November 30, 2016 10:27 AM CET

    [blockquote]Francesco said:

    Any news about the voltage/temperature problem?



    We are still working on finding the solution. 

    We ask for some patience, 

    Sorry about that, 



  • November 29, 2016 1:24 PM CET

    Any news about the voltage/temperature problem?

    • 310 posts
    November 12, 2016 4:41 PM CET

    [blockquote]Alex Kirienko said:

    Hi,I have Blackview 6000 and both apps can't find Sbrick. I've tried pair, unpair and reboot.


    P.s. With iPhone works fine. Firmware version 17. (Upgrade on iPhone doesn't work) 



    Dear Alex, 

    I forward your problem to our developers, they will check what could they do. :) 

    We ask for some patience, 


    SBrick Team

    • 1 posts
    November 12, 2016 11:21 AM CET

    Hi,I have Blackview 6000 and both apps can't find Sbrick. I've tried pair, unpair and reboot.


    P.s. With iPhone works fine. Firmware version 17. (Upgrade on iPhone doesn't work) 

  • November 9, 2016 10:42 AM CET

    I imagined there was a new protocol! ;) Thanks!

    Well, actually is the same of before...the data returned is always 0.

    0F Query ADC
    0F < ADC channel ID, 00 or 0e >

    The ADC channels are read at every 2 seconds. These values are stored
    in variables, and this query simply reads those variables. Because of
    this, ADC data can be up to 2 seconds old.

    Temperature can be read on channel 0x0E, voltage on 0x00.

    2 byte, little endian, 12 bit resolution ADC reading on given channel.
    Value is stored MSB. (Must be divided by 16)

    All ADC channels are using the internal 1.24V reference.

    The PSU voltage is dropped through a 10:1 voltage divider.
    VPSU = (ADC * 0.83875) / 2047.0

    Temperature can be calculated as: celsius = ADC / 118.85795 - 160
    Where 160 is an offset

    This post was edited by Francesco at November 9, 2016 2:09 PM CET
    • 340 posts
    November 9, 2016 10:31 AM CET

    Dear Francesco,

    please refer the new SBrick protocol here:

    [blockquote]Francesco said:

    Pairing it and unpairing it made it working! :D So it was a cache problem I suppose.


    What about Temperature & Voltage?



  • November 8, 2016 9:40 PM CET

    Pairing it and unpairing it made it working! :D So it was a cache problem I suppose.


    What about Temperature & Voltage?

    • 310 posts
    November 8, 2016 8:20 PM CET

    [blockquote]Francesco said:

    I've the FW 17 and I just sent a report about these problems:

    1. the Android app doesn't connect anymore (but the Sbrick iOS app and the Simple Control app work fine), it stays in loop while connecting (but seems to read the SBrick infos).

    2. I cannot retrieve anymore Voltage and Temperature with the commands in the protocol 4.8 page, but iOS and Android apps seem to read them fine, except the Simple Control app:


    Hope to get a fix soon! :(



    Hello again! 

    We ask you to try out to connect with the help of these steps. 

    1. Please use Wi-fi connection with the SBrick app. 

    2. Restart your phone, than the application and the Bluetooth on the device. 

    3. If these did not solve the problem, please Pair, than unpair the SBrick in the Bluetooth system of the Android device. 

    If none of these will work, please contact us again.

    Best wishes, 


    SBrick Team

    • 310 posts
    November 7, 2016 2:46 PM CET

    [blockquote]Francesco said:

    I've the FW 17 and I just sent a report about these problems:

    1. the Android app doesn't connect anymore (but the Sbrick iOS app and the Simple Control app work fine), it stays in loop while connecting (but seems to read the SBrick infos).


    2. I cannot retrieve anymore Voltage and Temperature with the commands in the protocol 4.8 page, but iOS and Android apps seem to read them fine, except the Simple Control app:



    Hope to get a fix soon! :(




    Thank you for the report. We will check this out! 

    Sorry for the inconvenience, 

    Best wishes, 

    Sbrick Team

  • November 7, 2016 12:58 AM CET

    I've the FW 17 and I just sent a report about these problems:

    1. the Android app doesn't connect anymore (but the Sbrick iOS app and the Simple Control app work fine), it stays in loop while connecting (but seems to read the SBrick infos).

    2. I cannot retrieve anymore Voltage and Temperature with the commands in the protocol 4.8 page, but iOS and Android apps seem to read them fine, except the Simple Control app:


    Hope to get a fix soon! :(

    This post was edited by Francesco at November 7, 2016 12:59 AM CET
    • 5 posts
    November 2, 2016 10:06 PM CET

    Do the update by the same way ..Have now a v 17 firmware seems to be the latest.


    • 310 posts
    November 2, 2016 9:58 PM CET

    [blockquote]Jean-luc Vitre said: Hi all, Today I tried to connect my 2 sbrick bought since the first campaign on kickstarter and can't use them. The app ask a firmware update but the sbrick didn't won't coz firmware is too old. Same message on iOS or android. Since this, can't use them and no answer.[/blockquote]

    Dear Jean, 

    We have a little bug with the firmware update function in the application. (If everything goes right, on the next week we will release an update with a bug fix, considering this problem.)

    It means that, if you had an older firmware version that 12, in the past, now you won't be able to update it via the new app. 

    You has to download our simple control application, and update your SBricks with the help of that. 

    Here you can find it (it is only available for android devices)

    If you updated the SBricks firmware with this app, you will be able to use it with the original one, both with android and IOS devices. 

    If you have any other questions feel free to ask. 

    Best wishes,

    SBrick Team