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SBrick Android App

    • 164 posts
    July 22, 2016 1:20 PM CEST


    After you downloaded the APK to your phone, you can instal it :) 
    About the downgrade to 11 firmware we will contact you soon.

    update: check your inbox. I sent the APK to you in e-mail :)

    This post was edited by Tamas Misik at July 22, 2016 1:58 PM CEST
    • 164 posts
    July 22, 2016 1:14 PM CEST
    Hi Guys,

    A new version, with some minor changes (improved driver logs and some fixed bugs about the connections) 
    Android apk ( ->

    forget, this is just a test version! 
    Please test it if the previous version did'nt work properly on your device.

    If you find any bugs, or if you have any problems with this version, please fill out this form:

    for your help.
    • 6 posts
    July 21, 2016 2:45 AM CEST

    [blockquote]Tamas Misik said:

    Hi Guys,

    We will contact you about the reported bugs and connection problems very soon.

    I uploaded the APK, so you can download  the current and previous versions.
    APK for 2.0.2. verison:
    APK for 4.0.1. version:




    How does one use these APKs? Also, I need to roll back my firmware from 4.12 to 4.11 ASAP. How do I do that?

    • 2 posts
    July 20, 2016 7:16 PM CEST

    I have connection problems after updating to v4.0 update 1 android application.
    The sbricks are disconnected, even with new creations and new profiles.
    I use a Samsung J2 with Android 5.1.1
    I hope you can solve quickly!
    Thanks in advance

    This post was edited by Ignacio Zamora at July 20, 2016 7:16 PM CEST
    • 5 posts
    July 20, 2016 6:05 PM CEST

    Thanks, the old verson works fine with both Sbricks, and there are very little connectivity issuse... too bad I can't use the sequences, but atleast it works.

  • July 20, 2016 2:40 PM CEST

    Thank you Tamas.


    • 164 posts
    July 20, 2016 1:42 PM CEST

    Hi Guys,

    We will contact you about the reported bugs and connection problems very soon.

    I uploaded the APK, so you can download  the current and previous versions.
    APK for 2.0.2. verison:
    APK for 4.0.1. version:


    • 5 posts
    July 20, 2016 4:00 AM CEST

    I tried downgrading the app, though the old version of the app didn't recognize the Sbricks with the new firmware, I wish there was a way to downgrade the firmware, as I didn't have the connectivity issues with the previous firmware. As sometimes it will connect, but most of the time it has issues connecting. My device is a LG ultimate 2, it's sort of a potato, and it costs roughly the price of the Sbrick, but it meets the requirements for the app. It has Android 4.4.2 and bluetooth 4. I hope this can be fixed, as I have a model that uses the sequence function, but will disconnect in the middle of the sequence. 


    I have 2 Sbircks one with 4.12 and 5.12 firmware both seem to have issues.

    This post was edited by Tommy Styrvoky at July 20, 2016 4:11 AM CEST
    • 99 posts
    July 20, 2016 2:10 AM CEST

    [blockquote]Karl Fensterstock said:

    Can you give me an Android device name where the SBrick App 100% works? I would like to buy it.


    The SBrick works perfectly with my Sony Xperia M4. I have purchased it last year cause the Sony devices seemed to work fine for us, and I was right to do so. All the problems I have experienced last year are gone with the new app.

    The new app just won't install on my old Galaxy Note Tablet (Kit Kat, no Lollipop available for it).

    I've been reading all the complaints on this board for more than one year now. Android is not a stable, standard system, and all the manufacturers have a different implementation. The users who never could use the SBrick seem to have a device which just cannot work correctly with the Sbrick.

    The problem doesn't come from the app itself: the problem is Android and the Android devices. Ironically, it seems that some Nexus devices (more or less Google products!) are not fully compatible : who manufactures them ? What are their specifications ?

    The other option is to switch to Apple, but from a personal standpoint, it's something I refuse to do.

    This post was edited by Marc Jaouen at July 20, 2016 2:12 AM CEST
    • 310 posts
    July 19, 2016 5:57 PM CEST

    [blockquote]M H said:


    can I force update from simple controller the firmware on my S-brick to version 4.11, in case that I have current version of the app?

    Thank you,




    You can update your SBricks firmware with the Android application, the simple control is doesn't necessary. 

    Sometimes it takes more than once to update it, till it really finished. So if firstly it didn't succeded please try again. :) 

    If it doesen't work please contact us again. 


    Balint Mezei
    SBrick Team 

  • M H
    • 1 posts
    July 19, 2016 3:18 PM CEST


    can I force update from simple controller the firmware on my S-brick to version 4.11, in case that I have current version of the app?

    Thank you,


    This post was edited by M H at July 19, 2016 3:29 PM CEST
    • 6 posts
    July 18, 2016 8:15 AM CEST
    Firmware 4.12 effectively bricked the first Sbrick to update to it, even though the Android app (latest version) deemed the update a success. The app usually can't connect to it at all now, and properly configured profiles never connect.

    Three other SBricks still on 4.11 still work, though with issues that appear to reside in the latest Andoid app (v.4.0, update 1), and not in the firmware.

    Quick, how do I roll this inoperative SBrick back to an earlier firmware? I need it for an upcoming show!
    This post was edited by Jeremy McCreary at July 18, 2016 8:16 AM CEST
    • 7 posts
    July 17, 2016 8:20 PM CEST



    Hello SBrick team SBrick- users,
    The SBrick app has still not managed to produce a consistent error-free connection between the SBrick and the smartphone / tablet!
    I have applied from the beginning of SBrick all app versions even. Improvements and changes to the app and the firmware have been made repeatedly. The most important thing but a Permanent connection and error free operation was functioning not yet been achieved! In the SBrick forum I from the outset pursued write many users repeatedly by these problems.
    The idea of ​​SBrick I find it good, but I believe that the SBrick with the App-Control as permanent has no future.!
    1. If you build a Lego-art model with 2000-3000 parts then you want to also use the power function. The desire is quickly lost if ever the connection is interrupted and the control on the smartphone hangs or is not responding. With the Lego IR system a 100% function is safe.
    2. If in a model such as 42009 or 8043 for six to eight engines and lights it is fitted difficult heading this liquid with the SBrick app. On the smartphone / tablet surface must constantly look to the right person to operate controller. Quick one here has slipped a finger and one must reorient repeatedly. When Lego IR system operation by the control knobs in the fingers is much easier and safer!
    3. In my opinion, the SBrick team should put on a new transmitter and control system with Bluetooth. Maybe a plug-in system where controller with buttons, push buttons and joysticks can be put together like a small control panel. compiled Depending on the user's request. Here SBrick could connect to Bluetooth use as before. With the PC all the controls are to be programmed. All users have the same control system and technology. The misery with SBrick app would have an end.
    If SBrick until 2017 at no usable result is for users I'll sell my SBrick and reuse all models with the Lego IR system. It works 100% and easier on the nerves.
    Klaus  from Germany



    Ab hier noch einmal in Deutsch:

    Hallo SBrick-Team, SBrick- Nutzer,
    Die SBrick App hat es bis heute nicht geschafft eine beständige fehlerfreie Verbindung zwischen dem SBrick und dem Smartphone/Tablett herzustellen!
    Ich habe von Beginn des SBrick alle App-Versionen selbst angewendet. Es wurden immer wieder Verbesserungen und Veränderungen von der App und der Firmware vorgenommen. Das Wichtigste aber das eine Dauerhafte Verbindung und Fehlerfreie Bedienung funktioniert wurde bis heute nicht erreicht! In dem SBrick-Forum das ich von Anfang verfolge schreiben viele Nutzer immer wieder von diesen Problemen.
    Die Idee des SBrick finde ich schon gut, aber ich glaube das sich der SBrick mit der App-Steuerung  auf Dauer so keine Zukunft hat.!
    1. Wenn Sie ein Lego-Technik Modell mit 2000-3000 Teilen bauen dann möchten Sie auch die Power-Funktion verwenden. Die Lust geht schnell verloren wenn ständig die Verbindung unterbrochen wird und der Regler am Smartphone hängt oder nicht reagiert. Mit dem Lego IR-System ist eine 100% Funktion sicher.
    2. Werden in ein Modell wie 42009 oder 8043 sechs bis acht Motoren und Lichter verbaut wird es schwierig dies mit der SBrick-App flüssig zusteuern. Auf der Smartphone/Tablett Oberfläche muß man ständig schauen um den Richtigen Regler zu bedienen. Schnell ist man hier mit dem Finger verrutscht und man muß sich immer wieder neu orientieren. Beim Lego IR-System ist die Bedienung durch die Regelknöpfe in den Fingern viel einfacher und sicherer!
    3. Meiner Meinung nach sollte das SBrick-Team auf ein neues Sender-und Regelsystem mit Bluetooth setzen. Vielleicht ein Stecksystem wo Regler mit Knöpfen, Drucktasten und Joysticks zusammengesteckt werden können wie ein kleines Steuerpult. Je nach Wunsch des Nutzers zusammengestellt. Hier könnte SBrick eine Verbindung mit Bluetooth verwenden wie bisher. Mit dem PC sollen alle Steuerelemente zu programmieren sein. Alle Nutzer hätten das gleiche Steuersystem und Technik. Das Elend mit der SBrick-App hätte ein Ende.
    Wenn SBrick bis 2017 zu keinem brauchbarem Ergebnis kommt für die Nutzer werde ich meine SBrick verkaufen und wieder alle Modelle mit dem Lego IR-System verwenden. Es funktioniert 100% und schont die Nerven.

    • 7 posts
    July 16, 2016 7:59 PM CEST

    Hello Balint,   ZOPO ZP590 MTK6582 Quad Core 4,5'' Dual SIM 4GB Android 4.4 Smartphone Handy 3G   

    The connection to Sbrick breaks after a short time or the app will hang . The latest update firmware and has not brought remedy .

    greetings from Germany


    [blockquote]Balint Mezei said:

    [blockquote]klaus eicher said:

    Hello , also the new update for Sbrick app and the new firmware for the Sbrick is no improvement ! The app is constantly stuck , and the connection is interrupted . My request to the supervisor you Sbrick in a list, call the smartphone models on which the application works 100 % !! Then everyone can get a model , if he wants the works .


    Hello Klaus! 

    We are working on solving this device issue, now we collect all the android devices which has any problem, and soon we will fix the problem. 

    May i ask what kind of phone do you use, with which you have problems? 


  • July 16, 2016 7:33 PM CEST

    Hallo Balint Mezei,

    can you please tell me why my two SBricks on the tablet other addresses than on the smart phone? On both devices (tablet and smart phone) which is SBrick installiert v4.0 update 1. On the two SBricks firmware 4.11 installed (where can I find 4:12?). On UPDATE FIRMWARE is about 3% canceled and then the message comes (when updating an error occurred). Here again a list of my equipment

    My Smartphon is:

    SAMSUNG Galaxy S4 GT-I9515

    Android Version 5.0.1

    My Tabet is:


    Android Version 4.4.2

    On both Android devices is SBrick app version is v4.0 Update 1 installed.

    On the two SBricks is firmware 4.11 installed

    The two SBricks have since Dec.2014 (Kickstarter project) addresses

    00:07:80:2E:3F:13 and 00:07:80:2E:27:7C


    Best regards



    PS: Can you give me an Android device name where the SBrick App 100% works?

    I would like to buy it.


    This post was edited by Karl Fensterstock at July 16, 2016 7:36 PM CEST
    • 310 posts
    July 16, 2016 4:26 PM CEST

    [blockquote]klaus eicher said:

    Hello , also the new update for Sbrick app and the new firmware for the Sbrick is no improvement ! The app is constantly stuck , and the connection is interrupted . My request to the supervisor you Sbrick in a list, call the smartphone models on which the application works 100 % !! Then everyone can get a model , if he wants the works .


    Hello Klaus! 

    We are working on solving this device issue, now we collect all the android devices which has any problem, and soon we will fix the problem. 

    May i ask what kind of phone do you use, with which you have problems? 

    • 7 posts
    July 16, 2016 1:54 PM CEST

    Hello , also the new update for Sbrick app and the new firmware for the Sbrick is no improvement ! The app is constantly stuck , and the connection is interrupted . My request to the supervisor you Sbrick in a list, call the smartphone models on which the application works 100 % !! Then everyone can get a model , if he wants the works .

  • July 15, 2016 11:02 PM CEST

    I experienced some connection problem after updating to v4.0 Update 1 of the adroid app. At first I was able to update the firmware to 4.12. The Sbrick would sometimes work in the test-mode, however when I tried to to control my MOCs through the My creations control interface I didn't get past the disconnected message.
    This is what I did to get it sort of resolved. I noticed that the identity of my Sbrick had changed but that my control schemes still had the old identity. I assume this is the reason why I wasn't able to connect when using the control schemes. So I deleted the old identities and reassigned the functions of my control schemes to the new Sbrick identity. Afterwards I was able to get the control interfaces to connect. However as before disconnects continue to happen far too often for comfort.

    If anyone knows of a way to improve stability of the connection between the app and the Sbrick I would really like to know. 

    Just for reference, I am using a Hauwei G620S with Android 4.4.4 which has Bluetooth 4.0 with BLE and A2DP. 

    Thanks in advance





  • July 15, 2016 11:32 AM CEST

    I bought an Sbrick in September 2015. Since then I've not been able to use it consistently.

    I have a nexus 4 phone and none of your sbrick app versions ever worked properly. The first one at release kept disconnecting. It took me hours just to try to update the firmware because it would get stuck updating. But the latest version just put me at my wits end.

    It's broken. It looks nice, but it does not work. It discovers my 2 sbricks, but if I attempt to do a LED test - it flashes a few times before getting stuck and becoming unresponsive. I can manage to port test one of the ports once and then it becomes unresponsive. Firmware update gets either stuck at 0% or 1% or fails straight away. I literally cannot use the product I paid 76GBP for a whole year down the line. It only became worse.

    I tried using my girlfriend's iPod Touch and it worked flawlessly the first time. I've been able to update the firmware without any problems.

    Please fix the android app. I've tried it on two Nexus 4 phones, both on Android 5.1.1, one of which is factory reset with just the sbrick app installed. It looks like it just stops sending data to the sbrick or, on the contrary, overloads it with data and hangs it up.

    This is just not acceptable. This is not a beta product. Your app is not listed as beta. One year down the line (and for some more than that), and I'm still unable to enjoy the product, because it's crippled by software.

    • 310 posts
    July 15, 2016 11:10 AM CEST

    [blockquote]Mark Kyprianou said: Ive been messaging for weeks now or longer. My last message was about the s brick i was having trouble with and supposedly gonna b getting a replacement but i have 3 of them. Ive only checked one and having problems. I even removed and reinstalled the app on my phone hoping that would sort it but it hasnt. Ive spent alot of money on something that i cant even use. Please sort this or give me a refund for all 3. Thanks[/blockquote]


    Hello Mark! 

    Where did you contact us? I did not find any e-mail or, post. 

    Would you be so kind to, write us an e-mail to, about the exact details of the problem? 

    We will solve the issue, and sorry for the inconvenience, 

    Best wishes, 

    Balint Mezei - SBrick Team 

    • 1 posts
    July 15, 2016 9:12 AM CEST

    Hi there. My first SBrick arrived few days ago and I like it. It connects without any problem, any disconnecting, nothing wrong with connection. I had only issue with strange steering behaviour (seen in another thread here), but already solved by firmware update. Now SBrick works perfectly for me a I thanks to SBrick developers team for that.

    My phone: Motorola Moto E2 (XT1524) with Android 6.0 (it's low cost android phone)

    SBrick: HW 5.0; FW 5.12; app 4.0 update1 

    • 1 posts
    July 15, 2016 1:54 AM CEST
    Ive been messaging for weeks now or longer. My last message was about the s brick i was having trouble with and supposedly gonna b getting a replacement but i have 3 of them. Ive only checked one and having problems. I even removed and reinstalled the app on my phone hoping that would sort it but it hasnt. Ive spent alot of money on something that i cant even use. Please sort this or give me a refund for all 3. Thanks
  • July 14, 2016 2:23 PM CEST

    [blockquote]Balint Mezei said:

    [blockquote]Karl Fensterstock said:

    [blockquote]Balint Mezei said:

    [blockquote]Karl Fensterstock said:

    Why do the Bricks (4.11) suddenly a different address? With SBrick Simple Control everything is ok.

    Bad with the new SBrickversion 4.0.0. It is becoming worse instead of better.



    Dear Karl,

    We changed the addresses because the iOS application. The SBricks have diferent address on Android and on iOS but from now the address will be the same on Android and on iOS too. 



    Left, SBrick Simple Control, right SBrick. Both on the SAME Android Device !!!




    The simple control application is not an official application. 

    The address you see in the official application is the right one, please take into consideration that address. :)




    That is not true, since I have my two bricks (Kickstarter project) have this address. See older posts as April 2015. So far, the two addresses were also always displayed correctly. Only since Update 4.0 appears on my Samsung Galaxy S4 other addresses. On my Lifetab but the addresses.
    The photo shows Livetab and Galaxy at the same time both with Sbrick V4.0 update 1

    PS: Warum gibt es keinen deutschen Support ? Da könnte man seine Probleme präziser beschreiben !

    This post was edited by Karl Fensterstock at July 14, 2016 2:41 PM CEST
    • 310 posts
    July 14, 2016 12:20 PM CEST

    [blockquote]Karl Fensterstock said:

    [blockquote]Balint Mezei said:

    [blockquote]Karl Fensterstock said:

    Why do the Bricks (4.11) suddenly a different address? With SBrick Simple Control everything is ok.

    Bad with the new SBrickversion 4.0.0. It is becoming worse instead of better.



    Dear Karl,

    We changed the addresses because the iOS application. The SBricks have diferent address on Android and on iOS but from now the address will be the same on Android and on iOS too. 



    Left, SBrick Simple Control, right SBrick. Both on the SAME Android Device !!!




    The simple control application is not an official application. 

    The address you see in the official application is the right one, please take into consideration that address. :)



  • July 13, 2016 3:24 PM CEST

    [blockquote]Balint Mezei said:

    [blockquote]Karl Fensterstock said:

    Why do the Bricks (4.11) suddenly a different address? With SBrick Simple Control everything is ok.

    Bad with the new SBrickversion 4.0.0. It is becoming worse instead of better.



    Dear Karl,

    We changed the addresses because the iOS application. The SBricks have diferent address on Android and on iOS but from now the address will be the same on Android and on iOS too. 



    Left, SBrick Simple Control, right SBrick. Both on the SAME Android Device !!!

    This post was edited by Karl Fensterstock at July 13, 2016 3:27 PM CEST