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SBrick Android App

    • 32 posts
    January 31, 2016 8:29 AM CET

    [blockquote]Denis H said:

    Just tested the new update....and now i don't have that big lag/delay using my profile with sliders. Great!!!!  I played about 30 minutes with my Buggy and controls feels nice now.


    Also i don't have the issues when i update my profiles from the PD (the forever loading icon in the app).

    **Edit: Nop....i speak to soon.....the forever loading icon in the app when you want to update your profile or add a new one still happens. Clear the data and enter again in the app fix it, but you have to star from zero.



    Now you can tell this is a "real" APP!!! 

    @Sbrick-Team: the minimum you can do is send a sbrick for FREE to the active people in the forum who as tested the APP for more than a YEAR!!! i have to admit, I never thought that my patience was so generous.




    • 41 posts
    January 30, 2016 5:32 PM CET

    Just tested the new update....and now i don't have that big lag/delay using my profile with sliders. Great!!!!  I played about 30 minutes with my Buggy and controls feels nice now.


    Also i don't have the issues when i update my profiles from the PD (the forever loading icon in the app).

    **Edit: Nop....i speak to soon.....the forever loading icon in the app when you want to update your profile or add a new one still happens. Clear the data and enter again in the app fix it, but you have to star from zero.



    Now you can tell this is a "real" APP!!! 

    @Sbrick-Team: the minimum you can do is send a sbrick for FREE to the active people in the forum who as tested the APP for more than a YEAR!!! i have to admit, I never thought that my patience was so generous.


    This post was edited by Denis H at January 30, 2016 6:49 PM CET
    • 95 posts
    January 29, 2016 11:30 AM CET

    I hope the auto reset and output value for buttons will work soon


    • 99 posts
    January 29, 2016 9:01 AM CET

    Just tested the gyro functions.

    It works fine, apart from the inverter issue that was already mentioned.

    • 12 posts
    January 29, 2016 6:02 AM CET

    [blockquote]Marc Jaouen said:

    There's a check box at the end of the tutorial to say that you don't need to see it again...


    Heh... I never scroll this tutorial to the end, closed immediately. Question is removed.


    • 5 posts
    January 29, 2016 4:51 AM CET
    Thank SBrick team for the latest update of the 2.0 version .
    The joystick problem is now better.
    But still not as in the old version prior to 2.0 .
    It would be good if you could control in the corners more to the joystick to full steering and accelerating.
    • 99 posts
    January 29, 2016 12:44 AM CET

    [blockquote]Viktor Onishchuk said:

    Yes, an "EXIT" is appears in app. (step by step, app is making more cosy).

    Next step - slightly bored "Tutorial", which appears every time where app is starting. Maybe make that tutorial apears only one time after app was installed? "Tutorial" was added to mainmenu, besides...


    There's a check box at the end of the tutorial to say that you don't need to see it again...


    I'm currently updating to the latest issue that was just released. I confirm there's a lag on sliders with v2.0, I will check with this one !

    Edit : a slight lag is still here, annoying with a very fast car like the one I'm on. There seems to be an interaction between the channels: steering works OK with speed = 0 (stupid, but that's the way it is), and there's a lag when the car drives...

    I also confirm the joystick issue: it's steering OR driving, but you cannot steer and drive at full speed at the same time.

    Not tried the gyro control yet.

    Excellent work anyway, with a lot of improvements. This app now looks like a real app :)

    This post was edited by Marc Jaouen at January 29, 2016 12:53 AM CET
    • 12 posts
    January 28, 2016 11:37 PM CET

    Yes, an "EXIT" is appears in app. (step by step, app is making more cosy).

    Next step - slightly bored "Tutorial", which appears every time where app is starting. Maybe make that tutorial apears only one time after app was installed? "Tutorial" was added to mainmenu, besides...

    • 164 posts
    January 28, 2016 10:30 PM CET

    [blockquote]Karl Fensterstock said:

    [blockquote]Christoph Pfenninger said:

    Hi Marc. I have conficured it like you did. But no way.
    I think the problem beginns with the bluetooth connection. I'm not able to pair the sbrick. It always appears the message "The connection has been disconnectet by sbrick". But i can see my sbricks in the app.

    @sbrick Team: could it be a hardware Problem or a parameter within my phone?



    I have the same Problems on my Galaxy S4 and my Lifetab S8312


    Hello Guys,

    You don't need to pair the SBrick with your phones.
    Please update the SBrick's firmware to the latest version. Restart your phones and just use our android application.

    Anyway we fixed some issues. Please check the Google Play for the latest version. It relased a few hours ago.


  • January 28, 2016 3:29 PM CET

    [blockquote]Christoph Pfenninger said:

    Hi Marc. I have conficured it like you did. But no way.
    I think the problem beginns with the bluetooth connection. I'm not able to pair the sbrick. It always appears the message "The connection has been disconnectet by sbrick". But i can see my sbricks in the app.

    @sbrick Team: could it be a hardware Problem or a parameter within my phone?



    I have the same Problems on my Galaxy S4 and my Lifetab S8312

  • January 28, 2016 8:36 AM CET

    [blockquote]Marc Jaouen said:

    [blockquote]Christoph Pfenninger said:


    I this state I can't use my sbricks anymore


    That's the situation I was in with the previous 1.9. Here's how I got everything back:

    - Clear your phone from everything related to the SBrick: apps, data, cache, etc...

    - Stop the app called "Bluetooth sharing" or whatever it is called, clear the related data too

    - Stop/Restart the Bluetooth on the phone. You can look if it detects the Sbrick: if the Sbrick is visible, you should be able to pair it as any other Bluetooth device.

    - Reinstall the old v1.6.1 and re-configure the SBrick as before.

    I'm lucky, cause v2.0 works fine for me, but there are still devices that do not accept it...




    Hi Marc. I have conficured it like you did. But no way.
    I think the problem beginns with the bluetooth connection. I'm not able to pair the sbrick. It always appears the message "The connection has been disconnectet by sbrick". But i can see my sbricks in the app.

    @sbrick Team: could it be a hardware Problem or a parameter within my phone?

    • 5 posts
    January 28, 2016 3:08 AM CET

    General Impressions:

    Overall I found that V2.0 of the Android App was great. I did not have any problems with firmware or lag, and all my custom profiles were available straight away. It has worked great everytime that I have used it and I haven't found range to be an issue yet (max tested range of approx 25m down driveway). Just a few minor tweaks for me.



    • 5 posts
    January 28, 2016 3:04 AM CET

    Minor Issues Part 2

    Clinometer Motor Inversion:

    I'm not sure if this forum is the correct place for this issue but while testing the Clinometer Function (which works awesome by the way), I found that the "invert" channel options for reversing motor direction are currently ineffective.

    Clinometer Settings: 

    My last suggestion is to do with the Clinometer Function and Settings found within the Android App (the Green/ Red "pie segment" plot and three sliders). I was wondering if we could have some diagrams showing the default "zero" position/ orientation for our devices once the Clinometer has been engaged, as well as some description of each setting.

    When I first used this function I had to place my Unimog on a kind of stand and spent a good 20 minutes trying to figure out how to hold my phone so that none of the motors were engaged, which way was "Pitch", which way was "Roll" and what each of the three sliders controlled within the settings. I now know that the first two control the red (dead) zone of movement before the motors engage, and the green (working) zone where the motors output can be varied from zero to maximum. 

    However I couldn't figure out what the third slider is for (I suspect it attempts to control device orientation) and whenever I tried changing its value from the default position my drive and steering went haywire (full throttle acceleration, Steering locked at full left turn). I'm not sure if this is a bug in the app or if I am just misusing the setting. However it would be great to change the orientation of my device so I could choose to control my vehicle in either "joystick" or "steering wheel" configurations.

    • 5 posts
    January 28, 2016 2:42 AM CET

    Hi Guys,

    I have now had time to try out the new android app on my Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini (Android 4.4.2) and have noticed a few minor issues that I hope can be rectified in one of the future releases.

    Slider Tracking:

    I too have noticed an issue with a slider that has "Auto Reset" turned OFF. Essentially the slider button tracks with my finger perfectly at first use (say when I set it to full throttle and take my finger off the screen). However when I touch the slider button for a second time and try move it to a new position then the slider button jumps ahead of my finger and moves erratically. Not a major issue but a bug that I thought was worth mentioning.

    Vehicle Control with Joystick:

    I currently have a modified Unimog which uses one servo motor for steering, and two L-motors (connected to a single port) for drive. Recently I have been using the standard "42042S Crawler Crane" profile to control this by assigning both acceleration and steering ports to the RH Joystick. This has previously been fine on both the Android App V1.7, and the current IOS App (on my Ipad Mini 2).

    Within V2.0 of the Android App I have found that acceleration works fine when I move the joystick to the 12 o'clock & 6 o'clock positions, and the steering fully engages when I move the joystick to the 3 o'clock & 9 o'clock positions. Now, however, I find that I am no longer able to accelerate at full speed and turn hard left/ right simultaneously by moving the joystick to the 1 - 2 o'clock, 3 - 4 o'clock, 7 - 8 o'clock, or 10 - 11 o'clock positions. Instead I find one or both of the functions cuts out depending on the joystick position

    • 5 posts
    January 26, 2016 8:14 PM CET
    Hello there,

    We had a lot of fun to date with the Mercedes Arocs and last SBrick version .
    It works fine.

    Since the update Version 2.0 today you can not use full steering and go full throttle at the same time .

    Before that went with the directional pad .

    Please test the profile with the circles for steering and acceleration .

    I ask for the fastest possible correction .

    Thus, a driving is not possible .

    Sorry for my English. I'm German.


    Marco Rocholz

    This post was edited by Marco Rocholz at January 26, 2016 8:49 PM CET
    • 178 posts
    January 26, 2016 12:05 PM CET

    Hello everyone,

    thank you all for the reports.

    We're working on the issues and improvements, and going to release a new version this week.


    We're going to buy a couple of new devices for testing including many of the problematic ones to be able to hunt those bugs down.


    Thank you for your attention :)

    • 99 posts
    January 25, 2016 11:29 PM CET

    [blockquote]Christoph Pfenninger said:


    I this state I can't use my sbricks anymore


    That's the situation I was in with the previous 1.9. Here's how I got everything back:

    - Clear your phone from everything related to the SBrick: apps, data, cache, etc...

    - Stop the app called "Bluetooth sharing" or whatever it is called, clear the related data too

    - Stop/Restart the Bluetooth on the phone. You can look if it detects the Sbrick: if the Sbrick is visible, you should be able to pair it as any other Bluetooth device.

    - Reinstall the old v1.6.1 and re-configure the SBrick as before.

    I'm lucky, cause v2.0 works fine for me, but there are still devices that do not accept it...



  • January 25, 2016 9:02 PM CET

    I don't think Update is an improvement with app 2.0. As I worte on January 10th I has the same Problems. With the sbrick app as well with simple controll. I reinstalled both apps but nothing helps. The update process stopps either with 6400 bytes or by 5%. The Harware Version of the sbricks shows 4.0.

    By the way, no Motors are connected to the bricks and i have restartet it every time.

    I have a Sony Z1 with Android 5.1.1. My 2 sBricks Showing Firmware 4.3 and Hardware 4.0.

    Are there any Ideas where the problem is?
    I this statei can't use my sbricks anymore


    • 16 posts
    January 25, 2016 9:22 AM CET

    [blockquote]Marc Jaouen said:

    [blockquote]Adrian Wigg said:

    I have setup this train to be stopped by pressing the button at the bottom. The button is linked to the same channel as the train speed slider and the output of the button is set at '0'. The train does not stop but go at 100% speed(1) and on release the train does stop. This is a problem for me even though I have sey the speed to '0'. It worked fine in the old app.


    I never managed to assign a value to a button: it's always 1 when pressed and 0 when released. That's the behavior of your button.

    I agree with you anyway, one should be able to assign -1, for example, this is necessary for people who want a steering control based on to buttons (left and right).


    I encountered this issue too, but placed it into profile designer support topic. IMO it is an integration issue. Profile designer allow to set value on a button, so it is at least designed to output something else than 1 to port. But in designer->app->sbrick->port chain ButtonPress turns from "value" to "true".

    For now as a workaround I try "sequence" control, with repeat set to yes. Bonus - option for "set" and "transition".

    [blockquote]Peer Kreuger said:

    Update is an improvement, though reliability is still an issue. Still working on detailed reports on those. 


    Another bug that's slightly easier to describe; sliders that have "auto reset" turned off behave strangely. To illustrate, I've made a video. The left slider has "auto reset" turned on and works great, but the right slider (with auto reset turned off) seems to have trouble following where I point.

    This was on a Sony Xperia Z1 compact.
    (The effects are most obvious at the end of the video)


    Encountered same issue on Note 3 with Android 4.4.2. Really undersired, as it drives output port harshly to value usially opposed to wanted.

    • 3 posts
    January 24, 2016 11:58 PM CET

    Update is an improvement, though reliability is still an issue. Still working on detailed reports on those. 


    Another bug that's slightly easier to describe; sliders that have "auto reset" turned off behave strangely. To illustrate, I've made a video. The left slider has "auto reset" turned on and works great, but the right slider (with auto reset turned off) seems to have trouble following where I point.

    This was on a Sony Xperia Z1 compact.
    (The effects are most obvious at the end of the video)

    • 41 posts
    January 24, 2016 11:03 PM CET

    I have to agree that the LAG/DELAY is not that bad than the previous version, but is still i play more time in an open place (to not crash the buggy) and the lag/delay don't happens always....sometimes works fine (with a very little lag like like you says).

    The buggy have 2 L motors, so both of the motors are linked to the same function (acceleration) and one othe L motors is inverted.....also noticed that one of the motors have less lag/dealy (stop first), so maybe is also related to inverse/no inverse and 2 motors linked to the same function......i don't know.


    Also the app have a bug.....when you select My profiles the first time is ok (fresh install), but if you update your profile in the profile designer and want to update in the phone....the load icons in the Market stay forever. You have to clear cache and info of the app and start all over again.

    • 99 posts
    January 24, 2016 6:07 PM CET

    I has also noticed a slight lag, but not as important. While the previous release had a real delay (when the app worked!) immediately perceptible, I had to test several times to be sure there was a lag. Probably in the range of 0,1s in my case, something you can live with. No lag at all with v1.6.1 anyway.

    I keep the old 1.6.1 on my tablet, 1) because v2.0 doesn't work on it 2) because the range is almost double with the tablet than with the phone (from 15m to 25m).

    • 41 posts
    January 24, 2016 5:29 PM CET

    Now the app works with the old and new profiles from the profile designer. I can view, load and use the profiles in the app. (tested in a samsung S3, android 4.3 and samsung galaxy tab4 android 5.0.2). I have to uninstall the app, restart the phone/tablet and install the app again.....strange, but now works. I prevously update the firmware to 4.8 version.



    If dev team can fix the LAG/DELAY in controls, the app will be (imo) perfect for play. The 1.6.1 and 1.7 version of the app don't have that lag/delay.

    Right now with that 1 second delay is impossible to play with my buggy (2 L motors and lightweight, is a fast buggy), MOC supercar (2XL motors, also fast), and the 9398 modded crawler (also fast).

    The lag/delay is present when you press the slider and when you release the slider (i don't test others resources, like joystick, buttons, etc). You press the slider and you have 1 sec until engine start to move, and then you release....there is 1 sec until the engine stop moving.

    • 99 posts
    January 24, 2016 11:58 AM CET

    [blockquote]Adrian Wigg said:

    I have setup this train to be stopped by pressing the button at the bottom. The button is linked to the same channel as the train speed slider and the output of the button is set at '0'. The train does not stop but go at 100% speed(1) and on release the train does stop. This is a problem for me even though I have sey the speed to '0'. It worked fine in the old app.


    I never managed to assign a value to a button: it's always 1 when pressed and 0 when released. That's the behavior of your button.

    I agree with you anyway, one should be able to assign -1, for example, this is necessary for people who want a steering control based on to buttons (left and right).

    • 10 posts
    January 24, 2016 11:07 AM CET

    I have setup this train to be stopped by pressing the button at the bottom. The button is linked to the same channel as the train speed slider and the output of the button is set at '0'. The train does not stop but go at 100% speed(1) and on release the train does stop. This is a problem for me even though I have sey the speed to '0'. It worked fine in the old app.

    This post was edited by Adrian Wigg at January 24, 2016 11:08 AM CET