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SBrick Android App

    • 25 posts
    February 7, 2015 9:33 AM CET



    Not solving either the button swicht off problem... (v0.0.41 on samsung galaxy note II with Android 4.4.2)

    I'm not there have been a new release, as I think reminding that my last test was also with v0.0.41...


  • February 7, 2015 9:03 AM CET

    New app version did't solve problem of using two outputs for one function. If we assign same function for two or more outputs - only one motor will work. 
    For all I know - this is not new problem, people said about that about month ago. Should we hope that developers will undertake something soon?

    • 95 posts
    February 5, 2015 10:54 PM CET

    I think you can find here some guys who can help you.

    But I think you should first try to solve connections problems before adding new fuctions.

    I also think you should release more versions to let us help you to see if fixes works.

    If I agree about we need profile designer, I think you should add other functions before like using more than one SBrick to be able to use the 42009S or the ultimate version (for me I also would like to be able to control 2 channels with the same slider


    I think I can wait to have a full working version but I do need to see some progress...


    Thank you






    • 21 posts
    February 5, 2015 7:48 PM CET

    [blockquote]Maxim Baybakov said:

    I have the same "long" delay. Especially when using steering control or two ports.
    When the slider quickly move in different directions, for example 20 times, brick continues to perform these commands for 15-20 seconds.

    Several times the application was closed itself.

    Inversion of ports does not always work (if on/off is the inversion).
    (Samsung Galaxy S3, 4.3)


    Was this promlem solved? This delay limits the using of sbrick very much.

    • 19 posts
    February 5, 2015 5:17 PM CET

    looking forward to test next version, you bet i will report if still not working :)

    • 340 posts
    February 5, 2015 4:31 PM CET

    [blockquote]Gábor Polczer said:

    yeah Lénárd, i can provide such on nexus 5 & 9, perfect for lollipop testing. just define what you need.


    Sounds great, thanks! :)

    I will come back to you if the next release not work with Nexus.

    • 19 posts
    February 5, 2015 4:29 PM CET

    yeah Lénárd, i can provide such on nexus 5 & 9, perfect for lollipop testing. just define what you need.

    This post was edited by Gábor Polczer at February 5, 2015 4:30 PM CET
    • 16 posts
    February 5, 2015 3:53 PM CET

    [blockquote]Lénárd Pásztor said:

    Unfortunately we don't have a wide range of android devices to test with. This is why the community support so important for us to make better SBrick apps.


    If you need detailed bug reports, log files, etc, just ask!

    • 340 posts
    February 5, 2015 3:39 PM CET

    [blockquote]d sz said:

    Dear Developer Team

    As a customer (I bought sbrick after the kickstarter campaign) I ask you very curiously, when do you plan to correct the basic functions of the sbrick android application, like:

    • usable and working control profiles
    • inverting directions (for steering)
    • lag-less control
    In this situation the application can't be used for control lego creations, except some simple testing...



    Yes, we are in a big delay with the android app (and windows phone too).

    Tomorrow we going to release a new alpha from the android app. I hope it solves all the problems that you mentioned.

    Unfortunately we don't have a wide range of android devices to test with. This is why the community support so important for us to make better SBrick apps.



    • 3 posts
    February 5, 2015 2:19 PM CET

    Dear Developer Team

    As a customer (I bought sbrick after the kickstarter campaign) I ask you very curiously, when do you plan to correct the basic functions of the sbrick android application, like:

    • usable and working control profiles
    • inverting directions (for steering)
    • lag-less control
    In this situation the application can't be used for control lego creations, except some simple testing...


    • 25 posts
    February 5, 2015 11:17 AM CET

    To complete my previous post, here is an alternative to Sbrick that seems to be better, in terms of number of controlable motors, and especialy in terms of Android application (weirdy, they are developing the way I suggested...).

    Will VengIT stop doing social facebook (at least for a while) and greatly improve their android app, or will they let this other project take their customers?


    Developers: please communicate!!!

    This post was edited by Sylvain CACHEUX at February 5, 2015 11:27 AM CET
    • 24 posts
    February 4, 2015 10:13 PM CET

    [blockquote]Morten Nielsen said: BTW, link doesn't work for the older version[/blockquote]

    Do you mean this link???   "Version v0.26 is available at"

    It's where I got v0.26 from and, just to check, I've just downloaded another copy.  Works for me.

    • 7 posts
    February 4, 2015 3:26 PM CET
    BTW, link doesn't work for the older version
    • 7 posts
    February 4, 2015 3:25 PM CET
    I see how this is a solution..... Or really I don't!! Seems like saying that my car can move if I push it...... Yes, but really not what I had in mind
    • 24 posts
    February 4, 2015 1:49 PM CET

    For those struggling with using a Samsung Galaxy S3 I have found (thanks to a lot of help from Jorge Pereira) that using v0.26 of the Android app gives some comtrol of your Sbricks.

    It's not perfect but at least you'll be able to do something.  Version v0.26 is available at


    • 7 posts
    February 4, 2015 12:46 PM CET

    Hello Frederic,

    thanks a lot. With v26 the connection works with both phones.

    best regadrs

    • 95 posts
    February 3, 2015 10:47 PM CET
    for me v26 does not have connexion problems like 35 or 41
    • 7 posts
    February 3, 2015 6:18 PM CET


    I suddenly have problems with the SBrick app. Now SBrick is no longer recognized.
    The problem is when
    Samsung Galaxy S4 mini Android 4.4.2 Bluetooth 4.0 and
    HTC One S Android 4.4.4 (CyanogenMod) Bluetooth 4.0

    The problem occurred after SBrick has been updated.

    What can I do?

    best regards


    • 4 posts
    February 3, 2015 5:27 PM CET

    Hi    Sylvain,


    Give me a email, and I will sow some


    best regards




    • 25 posts
    February 3, 2015 2:03 PM CET

    [blockquote]Matej Papluh said:

    There is not much communication towards the ones not chosen, so following is my educated guess

    If you can open files in sdcard/Android/data/com.vengit.sbrick/jsons  (I use ES File Explorer) you can see a representation of a profile.

    Each control has type (slider etc), position & size, graphics and channel name - the last one is for Example "Slider 1", "Steering"... this it the name we can assign to the linked Sbrick.

    My idea of Profile editor is that you will be able to place these control types, position & resize them, maybe skin them and most importantly name them. 

    So one could place 8 controls, name them "Train 1" to "Train 8", open first linked SBrick and ad A to D Train 1 to 4 and open second Sbrick and add to A to D channel Train 5 to 8...



    Ok, but when? No news of development. I understand people loosing their nerves by always showing the wonderful sbrick to friends, but... impossible to use it correctly, or to use it the way they should, always saying friends "well, it's alpha version"... since... hu... weeks and weeks.

    You want a profile designer on a laptop? Cool, peolple will need to buy a PC and take it with them. One thing more in Sbrick's disadvantages (need PC to be able to customize if you don't want to browse tons of profiles). I regret I can not present the app I was telling you about earlier. A true example of a great interface.

    As a matter of fact, I've no choice but to wait and, one day, do with what you have decided. I can be comprehensive, but for such a project (meaning associating people/backers), I'm a bit disapointed not to have significant news about development (although we had about sbrick hw dev). Someone else was telling that vengit is redesigning a facebook instead of a good app (meaning working, and answering customers wishes). I'm begining to agree although I was most of a comprehensive guy. More than one month since we received Sbrick, and? What are the progress? Is there any kind of good news or indications about the development to progress, any calendar? Nothing, as far as I see. Even the buttons in profils can still not switch off a light once lighted on. Android is the poor parent for Sbrick. As nothing come, I'm begining to believe that there is nothing to come, and that's a shame, especialy for people like me, who could be a relay of Sbrick advertisement in their LUG/community.

    I still hope, but it would be nice to have some good news soon.

    • 95 posts
    February 3, 2015 12:06 PM CET

    This is the difference between the android app and the ios one...


    • 7 posts
    February 3, 2015 10:30 AM CET

    Today it most winters. 

    Yes, I agree....not much to do with SBrick support, like I am starting to feel we don't get and never will.....the support.

    Since I wrote a rather frustrated post here, several have shined a light upon the non working SBrick. makes me happy that it seems like my SBrick is ok....! But, what is frustrating me more and more is the following:

    - new videos of how users create wonderfull Lego creations with SBrick built in....and it works???!!!??? How??? When everyones SBrick does do theirs?? 

    - That it does not require a Lego enthusiast to play with the SBrick, but more like a member from Scorpion with a 150+ iq...!!?? Not what I expected...but happy to learn every day, but dind't buy a app lesson or programming lesson....I bought a SBrick, that should be able to control my Lego, but is just a big 4x4x3 brick.

    - That it is not an Android is the same with an Iphone.....I can say this, as I bought a Iphone 4 just to be able to contorl the (S)Brick.....but still just sitting with a big (S)Brick in my hand.....

    I know this is a kickstarter project, but beeing the first I support, it hasn't been the last (supported nxt-monsters Mini-zip (9v battery addapter for powerfunctions)) But this has made me realize that supporting complex ideas might not be the best solution......I mean if in a year or two, if I heard of a SBrick that was so an so great.....and when purchased it just works......then I would be impressed and happy about my purchase.....not so much atm...!! peace

    • 6 posts
    February 3, 2015 8:37 AM CET


    I have a problem with connecting sbrick

    I have a samsung galaxy s3  with 4.3 android version. I see the tutorial and i can made all without one thing: discovering sbrik!  the app can't find my sbrick. Then i install "BLE tools"  and this app can discovering s brick, but on sbrick app, only not!!!


    Somebody can help me?






    PS  sorry for my horrible english!!

    • 34 posts
    February 2, 2015 10:50 PM CET

    There is not much communication towards the ones not chosen, so following is my educated guess

    If you can open files in sdcard/Android/data/com.vengit.sbrick/jsons  (I use ES File Explorer) you can see a representation of a profile.

    Each control has type (slider etc), position & size, graphics and channel name - the last one is for Example "Slider 1", "Steering"... this it the name we can assign to the linked Sbrick.

    My idea of Profile editor is that you will be able to place these control types, position & resize them, maybe skin them and most importantly name them. 

    So one could place 8 controls, name them "Train 1" to "Train 8", open first linked SBrick and ad A to D Train 1 to 4 and open second Sbrick and add to A to D channel Train 5 to 8...

    • 57 posts
    February 2, 2015 6:31 PM CET

    Better than that! The idea is to let the users to design their own profiles with a Profile Designer web service, that then you can use with your smartphone/tablet and share with others.

    It is also much more convenient to do it in a laptop, than doing it on your phone.


    I had the opportunity to see the current stage of the Profile Designer development and it looks pretty nice! :)

    We just need sometime more until it is fully developed.

    We would need to wait in any case, regardless of the solution adopted. ;)

    This post was edited by Fernando Correia at February 2, 2015 6:32 PM CET